Category: Poems

Debill – A Protest Poem (by )

Electronic economy
Being blinded by
Illogical idosyncrasies
Leading literate

April’s Challenges :) (by )

This month is mainly going to be dedicated to Script Frenzy which I am really looking forward too! I am working on a comic book of The Punk (the main protagonist from my NaNoWriMo story). I'll be covering the progress of this on Purple Monster as it is all part and parcel of the same thing 🙂

I am also going to be doing another month of Poem a Day - this is NaPoWriMo 🙂 and as I was told last night of somewhere looking for specific science poems I think I shall be rolling on that one soon 🙂 The poems will be going up on Turquoise Monster as always 🙂

WoPoWriMo Web-badge :) (by )

As a participant of WoPoWriMo I get a cute web-badge 🙂

(of course I made it so it's probably cheating to have it up on my websites but hey - I did the challenge too you know!)

I'm collecting quiet a few of these 'web-badges' ie NaNoWriMo and PiBoIdMo and I don't really want to fit them into the themes on my blogs so I'm planning to make a page of them all nestled together which I think will look really cool 🙂

It would sort of be like having a framed certificates on you wall 🙂

WoPoWriMo is over – Victory (by )

World Poetry Writing Month is over and have produced about twice as many poems as the target 🙂 Of course I did go to one poetry workshop which produced one of the poems and alot of them were generated by the writing game I've been designing!

I found the whole process very rewarding even though I was running all the web-stuff for the project!

I now have so much material I'm not really sure were to go with it!

Anyway alot of it is already up on Turquoise Monster - though I can already see where I want to edit a few of them.

Alaric also managed his 28 hiakus some of which are so bueatiful 🙂 Being Alaric they are on a thing meant for software development Git-Hub.

Mum also did 28 poems which can be seen on WoPoWriMo Poems.

Even Jeany has been writing poems which I'll try and get round to typing up :/ Though she did not do 28!

Over all the project has successful beyond what I was expecting 🙂

Haikus in git (by )

I decided I'd write a haiku a day through February, for WoPoWriMo.

But I had to make it interesting, so I'm doing then in git, and letting GitHub publish them for me at using their pages system.

git is a system for looking after a bunch of files, keeping track of the 'history' - previous revisions. Since it knows the history, it can show you the changes made in each version; it can also do advanced stuff like letting you make several copies of your work, making changes to each copy, then comparing the results, merging the changes into one version, etc.

This has a number of uses. Perhaps you can have copies of your work on your laptop and your desktop, so you can work on either computer, and merge your changes when you get a chance. Perhaps you can try several different changes to your work, and decide which ones you want to keep. Perhaps a team can each take a copy of something, work on different parts of it, and merge them together again. Perhaps you can just put a copy on another computer, and merge your changes onto it from time to time, just in case you lose your laptop, so you have a backup.

Keeping the history means you can try making experimental changes, safe in the knowledge that you can undo them by going back to an earlier version.

It's normally used for things like computer software, but it's increasingly being used for things like writing projects as well. There's a git tutorial for designers, and writers such as Cory Doctorow and Tycho Garen are starting to adopt it.

GitHub is a site that hosts copies of your git repositories for you. You can push changes from your local copy to the github copy whenever you want to publish them to the world, and it has a nice Web interface to let people take copies of them, view the history, and so on; its pages system also exposes simple Web sites stored in git repositories onto the Web.

So you can view my efforts at; or from that page you can find instructions on how to take your own local copy with git (that you can pull my changes into from time to time, and then look at the history), or you can follow the links through to and view the history.

WordPress Themes

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales