I have managed to do the 30 + hour challenge I set myself for this month - I have spent the equivalent of an hour a day working on my Monster Inspiration game and have produced some interesting pieces of writing from the testing 🙂
I still need to type up the rules - fine tune timings a bit and find enough money to order in some timers, build the website and get some more dice but basically I think I am there with at least this phase of the game!
I would like to get some more colours of monsters up and going but as they would constitute as add ons/other games they are not urgent!
I'm afraid I slightly side tracked myself with getting to grips with the concept of Script Frenzy which is Aprils main challenge! I am foing a Comic Book script for part of the Punks story. I have been story boarding this and have about 10 pages sorted so far. For Script Frenzy I need to produce a 100 page script which I am taking to mean I need a 100 pages of comic 🙂
(Oh and there is a board game designed to go with the cards for a more involved game type of game - rather than writing exercise type thing - but that is going to be quiet complicated to pull off!)
As a participant of WoPoWriMo I get a cute web-badge 🙂

(of course I made it so it's probably cheating to have it up on my websites but hey - I did the challenge too you know!)
I'm collecting quiet a few of these 'web-badges' ie NaNoWriMo and PiBoIdMo and I don't really want to fit them into the themes on my blogs so I'm planning to make a page of them all nestled together which I think will look really cool 🙂
It would sort of be like having a framed certificates on you wall 🙂
I have been sort of missing to everyone in November this is becuase I have been taking part in the NaNoWriMo challenge and today I have finished 3 days early too!
I have written over 50, 000 words on my Punk In Pink novel and I have broken my normal getting stuck with research at 30, 000 word barrier and I'm still full of enthusiasm for the story - of course I am only 1/3 of the way through the Punk In Pink which becuase I am writing it turns out to be part of some great big long and complecated series.
Also though it started as a throw away idea that was supposed to be easy and fun and all big guns and fast rides and cute outfits it has turned into something else.
It has turned into something that shows the cyclic nature of history, that extends trends I see around me, that shows how intolerance of others leads to destruction of those who are full of hatred and on and on and on and I never realised I was so full of all these ideas and concepts.
There is stuff in there about Ocean currents being upset and use of natural resources and... look you can read the raw chapters here. I haven't actually read them yet myself - the work has all its mistakes in it - the spelling, grammar, typos and continuaty errors.
I got too into the story to worry about keeping track of names and stuff and in fact half the writing stuff sees the Punk refered to only as She and the as Harry (don't as long story). There is even a dark forecast of the police and the protester being taken out by the same Corporate terrorist act.
Obviously it needs alot of work yet but there it is the first third - It is A Beginning.