Category: Work

Dan Sluman and Mark Burnhope (by )

Dan Sluman and Mark Burnhope

Last night I went to a sell out event at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival were Dan Sluman and Mark Burnhope both read out their amazing works. Both explored illness and life altering events as well as the obsession with death and sex and a myrraid of other topics. All sculpted into a lyrical wonder.

Mark Burnhope reading his collection at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Also I found the black and white mode on the camera works at low light levels were as the colour setting is all grainy.


I remember first meeting Dan at poetry cafe when it was at the museum and art gallery a few years ago and have always found his work deeply moving.

Sell out gig at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Dan reading at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Sadly there are not more of Mark as it was a sell out gig and I couldn't move around to get pictures.


Dan's book is Absence Has A Weight Of Its Own

And Mark's is Snowboy

There was also an open mic before they started their reading - if you want to see any of the photos in a larger format just click on them.

Poet at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival Harriette reading poetry at Cheltenham Poetry Festival Old poet young poet Young poet black and white The Welsh Werewolf poet Compare

And lastly - I love this photo I took of Mark listening to the poetry even though it came out a bit blurry.

Mark Burnhope listening to poetry

Knitted Poem – The Price of Art in Luton (by )

Knitted poem Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Yesterday I went back into Cheltenham to photograph some more of the events at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival which was brilliant! But before they started I popped over to the Waterstones to see the knitted poem that Centre Arts has had all the local knitting groups taking part in. The poem is The Price of Art in Luton from the John Hegley - part of the Dog collection.

There is also has a knitted homeless guy and his dog on it.

Knitted homeless dude and his dog

I believe it is being auctioned off at the end of the festival! Alaric being from Luton examined the poem more closely - though in my opinion from the wrong angle!

Alaric and the knitted poem The Price of Art in Luton

War of the Words (by )

Sarah Snell-Pym aka Saffy the Purple Poet performing at War of the Words Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Last night I went and performed in my fourth ever poetry slam - this time it was War of the Words at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival. As typified by the other slams I came last but I am happy as I performed my best yet in my opinion. I did my poem Shy about selective mutalism and had many people including the other poets commenting on how good it was. There is a very graining video which I want to edit into something at the end of the festival - but here is the recording I did of the poem using the hammond organ last year.

There were some absolutely amazing performers last night including Spoz, Peter Wyton and Ben Norris.

mlatu and Mother Lang (by )

Mother Lang

Last night Mary said her first full and clear Lojban word mlatu meaning cat, she has been saying contractions and muddled versions of words such as dui for ladiu (milk) and of course saying half English half Lojban words. But this was really clear - it came after a day of her pointing to the cats and asking me 'Cat?', to the kitten - 'cat?' yes, 'baby?' yes, 'itten?' yes, 'baby ca?' yes and so on. Then when Alaric had her and the kitten on his lap she said 'mlatu' to which he responded yes.

I'v been working on this concept of making a language primer starting with English and Lojban, it started with lojbani chicken and I have been constructing characters ever since. As part of teaching Mary lojban Al had drawn a face and written the lojban words on it so I thought you know I should get a move on with this and draw Mother Lang's face so we can make a proper version of this.

And so I have. Of course I had to completely finish designing her first which ment drawing all of her! That picture is still a pencil sketch! I'm happy with this one. The idea is that she is the Mother of Language, she has two daughters Coni and Nat who represent constructive languages and natural languages and they live on a farm with such creatures as Lojbani Chicken etc...

War of the Words (by )

War of the Words

Saturday (20th April 2013) will see me taking part in the Cheltenham Poetry Festival Slam! It takes place at Copa in Cheltenham and is £7 or £5 for concessions.

I am desperately trying to memorise some newer poems for this! If anybodies about came and see some fantastic poets (not me the other guys!).

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