Creativiti Tea – Summer (by sarah)
This weekend we hosted the second ever Creativiti Tea which was quiet frankly epic - though the actual event was on the Sunday the first person arrived Friday evening all the way from London! Two more arrived on Saturday when the BBQ ended up being cooked under the grill whilst Alaric did various bits of his programming projects and began work once again on the furnace.
We played board games and Jeany got an early birthday present which was Dr Who Monopoly!
I baked cakes (they are never as good as Al's ones and I was a bit out of practice with the icing!) - including mini vegan banana bread with red currents (these are from my parents garden I planted a red current stem when I was 13 and now they have taken over the garden - I am attempting to find more things to do with them than make jelly!).
Then at 10 am Creativi Tea began properly. Mainly we were writing - I personally wrote about 3000 words, we had people working on novels, poetry, short stories and more!
In the kitchen glueing and sticking were a foot.
Along with bead work - ankle bracelets seemed to be the thing.
Then there was sewing - mainly cat nip mice from old cloths - the cat nip was home grown by our friend Charlee.
Tom puss at least loves the cat nip mouse!
And I mean he really loves it!
A teddy bear was cut out and partially sewn together and the beginnings of a ball were started.
Music crept in with the odd bit of laptop composing and the Hammond Organ getting switched on 🙂
I sold £15 worth of books for Shelter (the books will be there until Christmas if anybody else is interested).
And we showed Charlee how to make sushi.
We geeked and created and played games and laughed and drank lots of tea 🙂 I am looking forward to organising the Autumn Creativi Tea which will also be my book launch! And also my friend Claire gave me the most beautiful roses 🙂
Oh and Jean's butterfly garden produced a butterfly 🙂
We had lots of fun and Alaric seems to have gotten one of our friends into learning Lojban - which had us all thinking about actual meanings of our names - turns out there is an older meaning for Sarah than princess - essence or core, pure centre... etc. I love finding out new things 🙂