Category: Work

Day 17 – the Queen of the Fairy Godmothers (by )

Fractal Christmas Tree

The queen of the fairy godmothers visited the climbing centre today and told off a very naughty elf who would not share the Chocs and spoke to Father Christmas about all the good children and told stories about a little mouse and enjoyed the crafts very very much.

Also my mum phoned me up to tell me I look like my great out Sylvie, this made me smile - the skirt is made out of head scarves and wraps some of which are my nan and great aunts scarves 🙂

I did discover that cutting out the poetry at the beginning is actually the wrong thing to do as it get the children settled, it was a fab day 🙂

(phone photos)

Day 16 (by )

Winter Tower

Painting 16 is a mythical type castle tower - I am looking forward to discovering the story behind the tower 🙂

Also on the 12th we had the Posada family - a little wooden nativity set that makes the rounds round the village and appears in the church (even though we don't live in the village anymore we still get a turn), Mary was most concerned that the baby Jesus did not have a blanket even though I explained what the swaddling was. So I ended up knitting a little sleeping bag - I think Al packed it away with the figures though as I haven't seen it since!


Day 15 – Pinterest (by )

Ice Tunnel

It is day 15 of Advent and so I painted an Ice Tunnel - well actually I painted it like a fortnight ago but I am putting it up now 🙂 Yes I was behind, yes I have back blogged!

I kind of got obsessed with this colour scheme.

Also I found an interesting article on what happens if you try and live by Pinterest for a week - Pinterest is an image sharing platform. I discovered it existed as people where putting my photos on there and my friend saw some cakes I'd made and nagged me (still have not blogged nor pinned the cakes).

I was a bit sad to see that there is a Pinterest stereotype - Mummy Blogger, White middle class housewife etc... and some people have found it depressing as they are not crafty enough 🙁 I'm kind of sad that I now know this. I also have a horrible feeling that this is me and yet not me. I know tattoos and nail art where on there as I like those things and occassionally look them up! I still don't know what the hell a Mason jar is and I write craft tutorials :/

I use pinterest mainly to gather inspiration for me and other writers and to discover potential artists for book covers or to post my own images or find science peeps etc.. I would not have gotten through her experiment! Well not unless someone was sponsoring me anyway!

Anyway this is my Pinterest, for those who are interested.

Advent 14 (by )

The Gateway

This is day 14 of Advent and this is water colour number 14 - I call it The Gateway and there will def. be a story. In the mean time my toddler is astute.

Mary: where's the cat door? Me: we don't have one Mary: why? Me: because we haven't gotten around to installing one yet Mary: poor cats shakes head Mummy make the cat door

Day 13 – Winter Blaze (by )

Winter Blaze

I love the sunshine through the woods especially in the snow - though I have to say I am relieved to live in a warm house these days and we haven't had good snow for the last couple of years. I've been looking at the sky alot since starting the paintings 🙂

Also I have been listening to lots of the Celtic Women 🙂 Mary refuses to believe that I am not one of the singers but this is purely as she had curled her hair in one of the shows and has a dress like mine.

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales