Category: Art and Craft

Spoogy Banner (by )

As you may have noticed the top of our blog has changed! We have put on a special spoogyness - and I thought other people might like to have a spoogy banner so as part of the virtual launch of The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry ebook here is a free Halloween Banner for everyone 🙂

Here is some HTML you can add to your blogs and things 🙂

<img src="" width="770" height="205" alt="The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry" />

If that is no good to you then here is the image

The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry

Right-click the image and click Save As to download your own copy.

Enjoy 🙂 and don't forget to get your free (until 31st Oct) copy of The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry by clicking the image below.

The Little Book Of Spoogy Poetry

Virtual Launch! Spoogy :) (by )

Today is the day! I will be adding extra bits to this post as the day goes on! But for those of you who do not know, today is the day that we launch the digital version of The Little Book of Spoogy Poetry - a free PDF you can download by clicking on the image below (until midnight on the 31st of October!). It is a series of ten halloween themed poems for little ones to enjoy with lots of fun illustrations 🙂

The Little Book Of Spoogy Poetry

I will also be giving things away on my FaceBook event for the launch and my FaceBook Writers and Artists Page, I'll be on Twitter as Saffy and TheMonsterBlogs and on Google+ and probably LinkedIn too 🙂

Art Tournament! (by )

Tomorrow sees me running around the City of Gloucester like a blue bottomed one!

First off we are going to St Johns Hall on Northgate street for the prize giving and auction of the pictures on a post card organised by Sabre Arts. Me and the girls popped in for a look yesterday and the entries are FANTASTIC!

That starts at 11 and by hook or by crook there will be cake!

Then I have to be at the Cathedral for 2 pm to take part in the SOLD OUT event of the Poet Laureate finals! I'm not nervous honest (opps there goes another nail!). This is a free event but as numbers were limited there was a ticket allocation and all tickets were gone over a week before the event!

Me and the other finalist will be judged by a panel of poetry experts, the public and the local council. If I was to get it I would write a poem about Gloucestershire everyday for the year. Not all of those would be usable but it would be enough for me to give the community a book at the end of it.

After that I am whizzing off to Greyfryers and Black Fryers - not quiet sure which one I'm doing face painting at and which I'm doing a poetry set at but I'm sure it all work itself out!

There is also a classic car show at the Cathedral which I am really looking forward to - I love my cars I do!

Me Bucky Balls and All (by )

Knitted Bucky Ball

Thursday the 12th of July saw me at the Grain Barge performing geek poetry, throwing knitting and inflicting my sense of humour on people.

Science Equipment

We turned up and there was some classical science equipment set up - which is always 'ooooo do you think there will be fire and explosions and glowing stuff?'.

The show got started with the comedic Steve proclaiming he had super powers - he the guy who organises and entertains between the acts.

Super Steve at Science Show Off Bristol 2012

The first act was Jim Bell with his spiders which the brave Suze who is very scared of them, managed to hold momentarily with lots of squeaking.

Fear of Spiders Brave Suze Holding a spider

Then it was time for the fire and glowing stuff but alas no explosions 🙁

Decian Fleming at Science Show Off Bristol Flying Tea Bag Glowing Science

Then it was on to Sophia with her set on why parents are so annoying.

Sophia Collins at Science Show Off Bristol Sophia at Science Show Off Bristol

At some point a red nose appeared just to remind me that Clowns exist shudders

Red Nose Steve

Then we had Joe Wright and a very funny sketch and video about Darwin - including all the mistakes in the video 🙂

Joe Wright

Then we had Nicole Slavin and opera about STIs.

Nicole Slavin at Bristol Science Show Off singing science opera Nicole Slavin

We then had a break were instead of talking to the people who had come to see me I was hovering waiting for a laptop to work so that my first power point in 6 yrs could be shown and to make it worse it wasn't actually a power point :/

But then we had the Science of Cocktails and me being me I announced to the room that I like the frothy head :/ Which Suze who was doing the talk gracefully sailed over.

Science of cocktails Science Show Off Bristol

Then there was Sam Phippen with his funny stories of Robots that kids build.

Sam Phippen robbot dude at Science Show Off Bristol

Then there was me - I was so nervous

Sarah Snell-Pym Science Show Off Bristol

Here is the video

And yes I corpsed and yes I got flustered and yes someone nicked my knitted bucky ball!

Then we had a talk on Viruses!

Karl Byrne at Science Show Off Bristol

And then to finish off we had the halarious nerd rock of Mark Lewney.

Nerd Rock Mark Lewney and the geek guitar of win

Postcard Art (by )

As part of the Art Tournament mini festival in August there is a picture on a post card competition organised by Sabre Arts. Here are my two entries:

Seascape Postcard

Space Postcard

Jean did her own postcard though she is not old enough to enter, she decided to do a space theme too 🙂

Jean's Space Post Card

The cards are going to be auctioned for charity after the comp is over :).

WordPress Themes

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales