Category: Art and Craft

Mary’s First Easter Bonnet :) (by )

Mary's 1st ever Easter Bonnet

Ok so I was a bad Mummy and forgot that Mary needed an Easter Bonnet for Nursery - so out came the easter stickers and one of Jean's old hats.

Jean and Mary spent ages decorating it! With Jean actually helping rather than just taking over too!

Jean helping Mary make her Easter Bonnet

Of course Jean then made an Easter trail around the house with the left over stickers and worse she asked me if she could and I didn't click this would mean they would be stuck all over the place! She was so excited that we should all come and find them too! Good job we haven't decorated the walls yet!

Also Mary refused to wear her Easter Bonnet but wanted everybody else to wear it! I have vetoed the pic of me so you're only getting this cute one of Jean!

Jean wearing Mary's Easter Bonnet

Spring Creativi Tea (by )

Creativi Tea

Sunday saw the first ever Creativi Tea - I had wanted to run them last year but never got around to it what with all that moving mand festivals and what not.

Creativi Tea essentials

So I invited people, and got tea stuff ready and baked cakes.


Lemon and lime - lime sponge with lemon butter icing and lots of butterflies 🙂 Which Al's cousins gave me 🙂

Creativi Tea sarni time

I made sandwiches - ham, cheese and humous to cater for vegi and vegan and meat treats people. And I had crisps in butterfly bowls because I am me and the house is infested with the creatures 😉

crisp butterfly

And then it was time for people to appear - I wasn't sure what people would want to be doing as I'd said bring your own project or tell me what you want to learn. Most people turned up with writing so were clustered in the lounge.

The creative vibe at Creativi Tea

There was a variety of writing going on from poetry to prose, to essays to novels to short stories to computer programming. Even Jeany got in on the act writing and illustrating a lovely story about a mutant girl and her dad.

Like Father Like Daughter

People were being very British about not actually taking the cakes until Jeany broke the icing (literally).

Cupcake mmmm

In the kitchen sewing and knitting occured - mainly Alaric finishing off the bag he began making me at Centre Arts during a sewing course I sent him on as his valentines day present.

Alaric sewing at Creativi Tea

I was sad I had some people drop out due to weather and moto bikes breaking and fuel costs and writing events but it worked really well. Extra nibbles even arrived with people 🙂 Having noisy/messy stuff in the kitchen and the quieter stuff in the living room worked really well.

I am planning on running one of these a season 🙂 If you want to be invited to the next one let me know!

Here are more pictures of cakes as I know you all love them 😉

Pink Butterfly cupcake White rose plant pot cupcake with yellow butterflies Butterfly Cupcake Flowers and butterfly cupcakes for creativi tea

Recipe will be appearing on Salaric Cooking soonly.

Easter Snow (by )

It's the Easter holidays and it is snowing so after dropping Mary off at the Nursery my dad helped me take some photos of the hills and things. This one is my favourite:

Easter Snow

Followed by this one of cracking ice:

ice cracks

And then this one I took with the idea of portals or the Door to December:


I quiet like this one of a farm house as well - the sheep and colours say spring but then there is snow on the hills:

Sheep and house and snow

Then we have bleak landscapes mostly taken on extreme zoom!

Bleak A picture of two landscapes Here there is sun there there is snow Hill top cold Bleak Striat Snow fluttered hills

Click through if you want to see bigger images or go to the here on my photo blog.

An Artsy Cheltenham (by )

Neptunes Fountain Cheltenham

Yesterday I went into Cheltenham to meet with one of the directors of the Cheltenham Poetry Festival to sort out what I was doing for the festival. I was already doing the Slam but I'd suggested I could take some photos of the events with my new camera.

They loved the idea and I have scored my first ever press pass. Last year with the old camera I took photos of events I happened to be at and some of the artists then used the photos I had taken for their websites and profile pics and what have you so this seemed a logical step forward. I may also be performing at a couple of other events at the festival.

I am also working on a new novel project so spent the afternoon working on that resulting in only 10 pages being written - I think I am out of practice!

I then wondered around in the twilight looking for low light level type photos to take 🙂


I really like the way this one above came out 🙂 I sort of want to draw him now.

Sea Cherub

I love stone statues in strange lighting.


There is a sad manic-ness in these horses again they make me want to draw them.

Today is also the last day of the Science-Art Gallery at Centre Arts so I shall be in there from 12:30 till 5 pm so if you're kicking about do pop in. It is the arts cafe and there is tea and cake 🙂

We Love Sugru (by )

We love Sugru which is a putty like stuff that you can form into shapes, sticks to just about everything and is flexible - it is basically a funky silicon rubber from my understanding. When we first heard about it we couldn't get hold of any and so had to wait as they had sold out but the wait was worth it!

Since then we have used it for tonnes of things from embedding electronics in hair pieces, making creatures for the visually impaired, fixing fridges, shoes, adding little feet and buffers to all things electronic, fixing broken mugs and making jewellery. I plan to fix my electric guitar with it though need to see how it reacts to having glitter added to it!

sugru flower bracelet

But it is more important to me than it's usefulness. To me Sugru represented something more, when it appeared I was struggling with both scientists and artists telling me that there was no cross over between the two areas. My tag line o twitter is that I am The Artist Scientist or Artistic Scientist and to see this product - the result of something an artist (ok design student) had produced, being so wonderful for science/tech and artistic endevours.

This was the sort of fusion of art and science that I was sure should exist but was being told didn't and my examples of how the modle builders of film dinosaurs had ended up solving the mystery of joints and movement that paleaontologists has been struggling with was falling on deaf ears.

So I turned up at The Cheltenham Science Festival debate on science verses art that year with my sugru bracelet and my ESA t-shirt I'd won for Celestial Montage and found that people didn't seem to really cae on either side of the divide, they have their opinions of the others and that is that. Stuck in the middle as all ways I gritted my teeth and looked for more science-art related things and found it under the title science communication.

Recently Sugru posted their life story so far and asked what inspired others, so I told them - they inspired me! They provided the evidence I needed that science and art can create wonderful productive and helpful things by learning from each other, they are an example of a dream that was followed and they provided the very material I had been trying to work out how to make myself - I was mucking around with resins casting, silicon mould making and fimo in order to get something like sugru and I was failing and could not make the projects I wanted. I hadn't even thought of applications beyond my own ends and there WOP! appeared sugru ready to go and so I went and so did Al and he has even written up one of his repairs/hacks for their website!

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