Yesterday Alaric awoke looking like this - well the hair not the face. The face came latter when he looked into the bathroom mirror and in horror began this conversation:
Al: ARRRRG!!!!! What the hell has happened to my hair? What have you done to it? You sprayed it in the night didn't you?
Me: It's boufont People pay money for that
Al: Yeah in the 80's!
I have since shared it on facebook a couple of times - the last asking the question Muppet or Mr Man?
I was already thinking of adding captions to this but serval people have suggest Lolcatz type captions and I also think he looks remarkably like grumpy cat who he happens to share a birthday with. For those who do not know who grumpy cat is check out the link.
If anybody has any caption suggestions popped them underneith in the comments section 🙂
This month I am gearing up for Festival season proper as well as doing my normal two challenges - this months are National Picture Book Writing Week (NaPiBoWriWee) in which I will be attempting to write 7 picture books in 7 days. I have already completed the first draft of number one. This is obviously only the first week of May so I normally then follow it with a month of working on my kidlit stuff. The aim is an hour a day working on editing, redrafting and illustrations.
The second challenge is a month of writing flash fiction - the aim is one a day. Flash fiction are stories under 1000 words. I wont be posting them daily but rather getting ahead of myself for the Friday Flash postings I take part in.
Apart from that I have a lot of blogging to catch up on and editing of short stories to be sent off there is also the processing of festival photos to happen this month!
Children book and illustration stuff appears on Orange Monster
Poetry Festival write up stuff will be on here and Turquoise Monster
Flash Fiction is Magenta Monster
Photos in general go out on Salaric Photography

Yesterday I sort of forgot to do any work - after 9 days of intensive festival coverage I awoke tired but happy and helped get the girls off to school mind buzzing with more things to write up about the Cheltenham Poetry Festival. But I had to go to the bank at 10 and somehow this took up the entire morning!

I did find some fantastic bits of wall art to snap whilst out though!

Then my parents and Al had conspired together meaning that I was taken for lunch were I relaxed and ate and drunk and produced the rough first draft of a childrens picture book.
I then came home and slept!
When I got up Jean was home from school and I ended up watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs whilst buried in children and kittens. It was then tea time which was eaten in the garden.

With a rabbit for company!

My dad also tried the trampoline.

Then I had a bath and read the book I was given as part of World Book Night during the festival, in bed I wrote two poems and babbled about arty stuff.
Of course today I am staring at the state of the house going eep! And Mary isn't going to let me get much done as I've basically been missing for a week and she is determined to catch up on snugs!
After proddings from several friends I decided to get a Pinterest account. I really love the site - it allows you to share cool photos and images but it also allows you to nicely credit the site it came from and has a policy to help you point out and correct copy right infringement.
I was exstatic to find that some of my images were already on there and linked back to my sites 🙂
I'm 5affy on there but a search of my name will do 🙂

Yesterday I went back into Cheltenham to photograph some more of the events at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival which was brilliant! But before they started I popped over to the Waterstones to see the knitted poem that Centre Arts has had all the local knitting groups taking part in. The poem is The Price of Art in Luton from the John Hegley - part of the Dog collection.
There is also has a knitted homeless guy and his dog on it.

I believe it is being auctioned off at the end of the festival! Alaric being from Luton examined the poem more closely - though in my opinion from the wrong angle!