It is day 19 of Advent and I am so not really ready for Christmas but here is today's painting - it is supposed to be Father Christmas's sled in the northern lights
This week Jean learnt stuff that is apparently not widely known outside of Japan, seeing the rugby players on route I am so glad she is doing jujitsu or bojutsu as it was today. This involved large sticks that I couldn't help but compare to English quarter staves as they and archery were like the only things I was ever any good.
(photos phone)

Nurse visit - she is really really pleased - even with flu and therefore no exercise plus the upping of calorie intake I have lost a bit more weight, also she doesn't tell people their January readings as well... Christmas. My mum also phoned to say the photos of me yesterday looked like my Auntie Sylvie (actually my great aunt), for some reason this made me think about my nans and I made me smile as some of the scarves on the skirt were their and my great nans head scarves (this used to be a thing in the UK). It also reminded me that I need to sort charm bracelets for the girls and that when I was pregnant with Jean we'd planned to make chemical symbol charms to over lay geek culture on top - I think should resurrect the project in 2015 🙂

Painting 16 is a mythical type castle tower - I am looking forward to discovering the story behind the tower 🙂
Also on the 12th we had the Posada family - a little wooden nativity set that makes the rounds round the village and appears in the church (even though we don't live in the village anymore we still get a turn), Mary was most concerned that the baby Jesus did not have a blanket even though I explained what the swaddling was. So I ended up knitting a little sleeping bag - I think Al packed it away with the figures though as I haven't seen it since!

It is day 15 of Advent and so I painted an Ice Tunnel - well actually I painted it like a fortnight ago but I am putting it up now 🙂 Yes I was behind, yes I have back blogged!
I kind of got obsessed with this colour scheme.
Also I found an interesting article on what happens if you try and live by Pinterest for a week - Pinterest is an image sharing platform. I discovered it existed as people where putting my photos on there and my friend saw some cakes I'd made and nagged me (still have not blogged nor pinned the cakes).
I was a bit sad to see that there is a Pinterest stereotype - Mummy Blogger, White middle class housewife etc... and some people have found it depressing as they are not crafty enough 🙁 I'm kind of sad that I now know this. I also have a horrible feeling that this is me and yet not me. I know tattoos and nail art where on there as I like those things and occassionally look them up! I still don't know what the hell a Mason jar is and I write craft tutorials :/
I use pinterest mainly to gather inspiration for me and other writers and to discover potential artists for book covers or to post my own images or find science peeps etc.. I would not have gotten through her experiment! Well not unless someone was sponsoring me anyway!
Anyway this is my Pinterest, for those who are interested.

This is day 14 of Advent and this is water colour number 14 - I call it The Gateway and there will def. be a story. In the mean time my toddler is astute.
Mary: where's the cat door?
Me: we don't have one
Mary: why?
Me: because we haven't gotten around to installing one yet
Mary: poor cats shakes head Mummy make the cat door