I went through our books and found we had like a shelf of out of date maps of various types so I thought I would do some craft stuff with them. I had a few ideas which I'm sure you will all be getting to see soonly! But I also popped on the laptop to have a little look around the net and found some amazing things on Pinterest.
I saw some amazing pictures done on maps and though that type of drawing isn't really a me thing I thought about the fact I have a draw full of old mapping pens which were damn expensive (geology was known as the colouring in degree at Imperial), and I thought and thought and remembered I'd wanted to do some pictures of little creatures....
And yeah - so now I have a few of these pictures and lots of butterflies the girls punched out of maps and I have plans for bigger art works and what not!
I will be selling the Maps of the Imaginary at the comic con in Cheltenham in Feb for anyone who is interested 🙂

I am actually happy with this painting - had to be done in two lots though with drying time inbetween 🙂
Also Alaric is blonde and has a pudding hat and I have a new onsie which I'm sure there will be plenty of picks of over Christmas 🙂
Big thanks to our friend Nicky 🙂

This painting actually took longer than the landscapes! It's supposed to be the surface of ice crystals all reflecting the light differently.
Card fail - so cards arrived but turn out to be not cards but one sided printed card 🙁 also they took longer to arrive than planned so I can't see us sending them out to people now either! Never mind we have them for next year and maybe I can get a batch of cards made properly or something for next year 🙂

This is supposed to be an ice cave with the light filtering through and casting ice staligmites into dark relief. I am nearly out of white paint!
The girls have been creating many christmas crafts - not least of which of are the hama bead projects including presents to people like teachers.
Also the Nativity/school play was written by the kids and in French with flutes and violins played by some of the kids 🙂 I still have had no minced pies but did do Carol singing.

Today's painting was supposed to show that lensing/clarity you get with really clear ice - it did not turn out the way I had imagined but never mind!
I have a three year old who wont believe my laptop is not a touch screen and she likes wearing two hats 🙂 (photo)