Category: Knitting

Of Chocolate and Art (by )

Tuesday Morning we went for a stroll around various bits of London on the way to Paul A. Youngs Fine Chocolates in The Royal Exchange. I have to say that a) I was surprised the Royal Exchange was a shopping centre and not a bank or something and also it was quiet boring as shopping districts go but there was lots of pretty buildings and statues around it to photograph.

The Shard from inside At the base of The Shard London Underground Tunnel Monument The Monument A London Sky Line Base of Monument There be Dragons in London Grander in London Cool stripy building in London Bronze plaque found near the Royal Exchange London Statue of guy with a scroll The Royal Exchange

The Chocolate Shop itself was something else! I was could have just spent all afternoon photographing the chocolates to be honest! Plus the shops were obviously designed with me in mind - see even the bags are purple and the boxes tied up with little purple ribbons - tell me why there is not one of these in Cheltenham? Next to the Cheese Works would be best - just saying.

Sarah Snell-Pym in a Paul A. Young Chocolate Shop

I may have ended up with a book on cooking with and making chocolate etc....

Chocolate and chocolate book by Paul A. Young

Alaric is going to try and get it signed for me at some point 🙂 I'd really wanted to go and look in the kitchens or do the tempering course but when we looked they seemed to only be for Chocolate Week 🙁 But I have coffee beans covered in chocolate - t my mind there is slightly too much chocolate on the bean but it is a lovely roast! Alaric got a Marmite bar. The chocolate still contains soya lectin unfortunatly so I can't exactly eat a tonne of it - but then shouldn't really anyway 🙂

I then took more pictures of London 🙂

Statue of a Guy in a chair London Statue of a mother and children London Alaric trying to work out what the writing on the statue actually says Stone Lady London

We headed over to the Institute of Contemporary Arts to have lunch and meet a friend. This statue was on the way and is of Uri the first man in Orbit!

Statue of the first man in space London

I didn't even know the ICA existed!

the Institute of Contemporary Arts

Lunch was veggi curry of butternut squash and chick peas for Al and tarragon chicken with mushrooms for me 🙂

Alaric and Lunch at the ICA

It was really tasty!

We looked around some of the exhibits the main one was The House to Die In which had a large narcotices theme running through it though I thought the structures looked like space ships. We found the perfect present for mum but had fortunatly had already gotten her a sketch pad as the blanket was £450!

We mainly sat in the coffee shop with all our stuff and wrote things and drew things and designed things and made things.

Alaric being creative at the ICA

We had tea and ginger bread men and chatted lots to Dez who I some how failed to get a photo of :/ Though I took this sequence...

Ginger bread man happy Ginger bread man beheaded Ginger bread man consumed

Alaric kept moving his eyes about which was funny 🙂

Ginger bread man consumed Alaric eating the ginger bread mans head

We then headed over to Padington Station to make our journy home - I filled up my dragon note book mostly on this four day adventure 🙂 And I haven't arted Alaric out - I think he almost Artied me out and I've ended up with a set of Tech/Net/Web/Geek tarot cards from the ICA which I love and am going to write so many stories from. Al broke the 10K barrier on his novel and me the 40K barrier which is just fantastic

Dragon note book

Polyps Together the Colony Unitied 🙂

Me Bucky Balls and All (by )

Knitted Bucky Ball

Thursday the 12th of July saw me at the Grain Barge performing geek poetry, throwing knitting and inflicting my sense of humour on people.

Science Equipment

We turned up and there was some classical science equipment set up - which is always 'ooooo do you think there will be fire and explosions and glowing stuff?'.

The show got started with the comedic Steve proclaiming he had super powers - he the guy who organises and entertains between the acts.

Super Steve at Science Show Off Bristol 2012

The first act was Jim Bell with his spiders which the brave Suze who is very scared of them, managed to hold momentarily with lots of squeaking.

Fear of Spiders Brave Suze Holding a spider

Then it was time for the fire and glowing stuff but alas no explosions 🙁

Decian Fleming at Science Show Off Bristol Flying Tea Bag Glowing Science

Then it was on to Sophia with her set on why parents are so annoying.

Sophia Collins at Science Show Off Bristol Sophia at Science Show Off Bristol

At some point a red nose appeared just to remind me that Clowns exist shudders

Red Nose Steve

Then we had Joe Wright and a very funny sketch and video about Darwin - including all the mistakes in the video 🙂

Joe Wright

Then we had Nicole Slavin and opera about STIs.

Nicole Slavin at Bristol Science Show Off singing science opera Nicole Slavin

We then had a break were instead of talking to the people who had come to see me I was hovering waiting for a laptop to work so that my first power point in 6 yrs could be shown and to make it worse it wasn't actually a power point :/

But then we had the Science of Cocktails and me being me I announced to the room that I like the frothy head :/ Which Suze who was doing the talk gracefully sailed over.

Science of cocktails Science Show Off Bristol

Then there was Sam Phippen with his funny stories of Robots that kids build.

Sam Phippen robbot dude at Science Show Off Bristol

Then there was me - I was so nervous

Sarah Snell-Pym Science Show Off Bristol

Here is the video

And yes I corpsed and yes I got flustered and yes someone nicked my knitted bucky ball!

Then we had a talk on Viruses!

Karl Byrne at Science Show Off Bristol

And then to finish off we had the halarious nerd rock of Mark Lewney.

Nerd Rock Mark Lewney and the geek guitar of win

Please Touch Gallery at Center Arts (by )

Center Arts Please Touch Exhibition

Today has been hectic with far to much crammed in but we are very glad we managed it all. One of the highlights was going to the Please Touch exhibit at Center Arts in Cheltenham.

Sweet a textural representation of Sucrose including knitted molecule and actual table sugar

This contains two pieces of my own science art - the Life Coral which has been displayed before and Sweet a textural visualisation of sugar specifically sucrose (though only as I ran out of time to knit more molecules!).

Life Coral by Sarah Snell-Pym at Please Touch Center Arts Cheltenham

The concept of this exhibition is to allow those who are visually impaired to enjoy the art, to raise awareness and to experience art primarily through the sense of touch rather than sight.

Pod Sculpture at Please Touch Center Arts Cheltenham bronze horse and rider Zombie hand at Center Arts Sculptures for touching at Center Arts Paint Swerl Wire Man at Center Arts

I really liked this fabric piece

Fabric Tassels Please Touch Exhibition Cheltenham Fleece tubes Please Touch Cheltenham yarn twists and beads Fabric Polyp Tubes! Fabric tassels with flash Feely textiles

This history of art in smiley faces done by Zaphira was Mary's favorite piece 🙂

The history of art in Smiley Faces Center Arts Cheltenham Baby Mary contemplating the history of art in smiley faces at Center Arts Cheltenham

The children especially loved the art, Jean and Mary both go much happiness out of the gallery. Mary just because she could interact with the art work and Jean as she could explore it and no one shouted at her for touching it! (though she did get into trouble for trying to convert one of them into an archeological dig).

Baby Mary Building with Art, Center Arts Please Touch, Cheltenham Mary after Art Determined this baby gets the art! Mary steels my hat Baby Mary running away with art I found art Mummy! Jean exploring the piece known as Ten Green Bottles at the Please Touch Center Arts

Jean loved the glass sculptures especially - there was a magnifier with a light for those who have some vision but not much.

Jean exploring the glass pebbles Jean's favourite Glass nugget

My favourite was this landscape and it piece as a whole along with the science festival has led me and Alaric to want to resurrect a resin casting project we have.

Landscape in Glass at Center Arts

Molecular Knitting (by )

Knitted Sucrose Molecule with out half it's hydrogens

This is my knitted sucrose molecule still missing some of it's hydrogens. It has worked out both better and worse than I expected - as a first attempt I think it's great personally. My long term plan is to knit molecular assembles so groups of molecules as say found in tea, comet tails and chocolate... you get the idea 🙂

The finished knit is part of the work I will have on display at Centre Arts Cheltenham as part of their charity Exhibition Please Touch. The idea behind my knitted molecule is to give a tactile visualisation as it were of what how a molecule fits together - it is basically a model.

They have also asked for The Tree of Life Coral to be there which makes me very excited - I would have loved to have the sound cave up and running for this but it took too long to get the basic funding so that is going to appear later in the year and at a few things next year. There is still time to fund the Sound/Sensory Cave though not much! I have reached target but the excess money will go towards a science-art exhibition next year in March.

Poetry and Art and Science-Art (by )

This last week has been quiet busy for me as far as my 'work' is concerned. First off I had a meeting on Saturday about taking part in another art exhibition like In Braille with Centre Arts in order to raise many for the visually impaired. I'm aiming for another piece of three dimensional textural science art.

Then on the Sunday I was performing (though briefly due to sick baby) at Art Tournament in Gloucester, a monthly event which is becoming a regular thing for me!

Then I have mostly been writing science and tech poetry as part of this years WoPoWriMo challenge. This involves actually checking facts for a start!

Then there has been organising supplies for Alaric's Cub pack so that they could practice sewing badges and buttons on.

And then I got a peak at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival programme and yeah! Look Look! I'm in it! (running kids workshops).

Then (yes there is more) I've been preparing for a Poetry Dragon workshop at a school in Cheltenham - thanks once again to Cheltenham Poetry Festival. (This has been a bit of a challenge as everything is still not unpacked!)

Then I have been designing a new craft writing workshop!

Knitted Alaric's Valentine present and am half way through little presents for the girls (we go for the concept of Family Love rather than Sexual Love for this holiday)

Tonight I am going to deliver a flower made of hearts painting/collage to Centre Arts along with some knitted hearts and other various craft bits of a valentines day nature. This is for their Valentine Exhibition which is on Friday 10th at 12:00pm until Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 5:00pm.

Then tomorrow I run the workshops.

And this weekend holds just as much arty fun plus it looks like my cousins are visiting for the half term 🙂

Oh and I finally managed to not only play F on the guitar but then to change to C7th and back again! W00t! Playing nursery rhymes to the girls is paying off!

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