Category: Sarah

Science-Art (by )

I have set up a Science-Art website which is specifically designed to deal with things like my paleo-art and space man picture, not too mention Cloud Computing and my sci-tech poetry and world building stuff.

It will have regular articals/ posts and be where I collect together the pictures, sculpture and the like that is to do with science.

Check it out at:

April’s Challenges (by )

April starts off busy with the Cheltenham Poetry Festival which I am/have been performing several things for. Then there is Script Frenzy - this is a writing challenge along the lines of NaNoWriMo but the idea is that within a month I write a 100 page script - I am reattempting last years project of a graphic novel script which chronicals the Punks life from the fall of Babel - it's all on Purple Monster for those interested.

Then there is a yet another poetry challenge NaPoWriMo - I am going to be using this as an excuess to work on songs. I will spend at least one hour a day on song writing and polishing. Bar however long it takes me to do the Little Book of Easter Poetry for Jean and Mary.

I am also launching my Science-Art Website on the 4th which I hope people will like 🙂

Poetry and Piaf (by )

I am going to be reading my poem Piaf tonight as part of the Poetry and Piaf event at Cafe Rouge Cheltenham as part of the Poetry Festival - event starts at 7 pm and tickets are £10. The singer is fantastic and even if you think you don't know the songs you will as alot of them where hits during the second world war and so appear in lots of films etc... The singer Eve Loiseau is brilliant and tells the story of Piaf's tragic life - it's well worth watching even if I wasn't going to be there 😉

There are also some other cracking events - I'm hoping to catch [A. F. Harrold]\9 and Peter Wyton at 6 pm (also at Cafe Rouge!) - tickets for that are £5 each.

And of course there is the opening night party at Slak (also in Cheltenham!) run by Calmer* which is £6. I really want to go to this but need to check my energy levels etc... and also see how Mary is with drinking out of a bottle whilst mummy is socialising!

Cult Fiction (by )

Cult Fiction

As I mentioned before I have postponed my birthday until the summer and Alaric is organising me a 30th birthday party on the theme of cult fiction. We have settled on the date of the weekend 17th-19th of June. Al is going to be making an electonic invite page etc... and I will get around to facebook invites and things (but obviously if I've forgotten you then I probably think I've already invited you so prod me!).

Even though Al said he would organise everything I really wanted to do some sort of picture for the theme for the invites - hence the picture at the top. I just thought I'd share it all and give you all fair warning too 🙂

Who knows if I get time I might even print out some invites 🙂

The picture itself is ment as a frame from text saying things like 30th Birthday etc... When I it is themed I mean I want an excuess to ware a corset 😉 I am hoping that someone will bring a projector too so I can have my favourite films etc... running.

If you want to know more ask Al as he is organiser 😉

Poetry and Piaf (by )

Coming up in Cheltenham on the 31st March-1st of April is The Cheltenham Poetry Festival and I am going to be doing a few things at it 🙂

First off I am reading my Piaf poem at the Poetry and Piaf events which is very exciting as I love listening to the singer perform Piaf's songs and telling us about her life and the tragedy of it.

Tickets are £10 incase any of you want to come along 🙂

The next thing I will hopefully be doing though is not yet confirmed is Murder in the Chapel which is an interactive sluething event and looks like lots of fun 🙂

Lastly I may have a slot reading/performing my poetry in the Beechwood shopping center but again that has not been confirmed yet - if I do then there will be some sci/tech poetry 🙂

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