Monster Painting (by sarah)
This is what I have spent my child free morning on :/
Click on the images if you want to see them larger.
They are for a Halloween art exhibit at Center Arts.
This is what I have spent my child free morning on :/
Click on the images if you want to see them larger.
They are for a Halloween art exhibit at Center Arts.
My Brother is getting married next month so the last two weekends have seen the stage and hen dos! I am still awaiting Alaric to post about the stage 🙂
For the Hen Do we went to a hotel in London for a Murder Mystery Event involving Professor Bugle, Flossy the maid and Lady "Rochy", the dectective Sherlock Holmes and his arch nemisis Moriaty.
It was 1920's theme dress up and because it was her hen night Michelle ended up being part of the show 🙂 I did take video of the performance which I'll attempt to put up here soonly!
This was all over dinner in the lush hotel and was followed by a cheesy disco which we shared with Welsh Chemists 🙂
The day started with tidying and doing housework, feeding childs and the like, then Al put me on the insurance for the car as my provisional license came through last Saturday. Then he took me to an art class at Centre Arts - it was about drawing with your right hemisphere, whilst he went off to buy cuttle fish and other casting supplies and got Jean's hair cut.
We then went off in search of a crucible for silver casting - failed at that but found a really excellent art and craft supplies shop in Thrupp!
Then we went on to Tescos carpark for me to attempt driving - hmmm yes well - I can start the car and make it move but panic too much and stamp on brakes and the peddle motion ment that due to the pelvis I then had difficulty walking as it really acted things up but we are hoping seat adjustment might solve that!
Then we got some dinner - Alaric gave me a present for being brave about driving - a how to draw gothic book 🙂 (he picked it up at the art supplies place!).
Then we went on to find the new Stroud B&Q to get the fret saw and bits needed for the casting and on home.
On the back of my neck for years there has been this little bump for years I think it may even predate Jean - it got investigated as a potential for some some of my back pain a few years ago but they decided it was just a fatty lump I think they are called lypomers?
Anyway two weeks ago it started getting bigger and then the last few days it started to hurt and the skin had gone red. Anyway Dr yesterday had a look and it isn't a fatty lump at all it's a cyst and it has become infected. So I am taking antibiotics and it is already shrinking - the photos were taken by myself and after it had already started shrinking but you can just about see it.
The Dr said she doesn't remove cysts on the back of the neck like that as they can be deep. But to talk to one of the other drs and maybe go to the hospital.
Warning - icky 'womens' stuff
I had the coil fitted to try and stop the bleeding and it got worse but then eight days ago it stopped 🙂 I was however having problems with the thread stabbing me - the dr tucked it all back up again but due to the separated pelvis can't show me how to sort it out myself in future or just check that it's still there so if the threads fall down or I'm worried I need to go back to the surgery but that is actually nothing compared to the almost eight months of bleeding which was just grinding me down.
I also get to stop taking the hormone tablets which is good as I hate taking tablets :/ Now all I need to sort is the eye problem, an infected cyst on the back of my neck and my pelvis and I'll be almost normal again 🙂