Category: Sarah

The Higgs Field (by )

The Higgs Field

This is a visual joke or pun about the Higgs field. It is in no way correct. I drew it last night and already this morning my little girl asks 'What's a Higgs Field?' so it's purpose has been served.

A Higgs Field is not the type of field where fluffy lambs play but it is thought to 'birth' the particles of the Boson family. These are sub-atomical particles but they are some of the ones that make up the sub-atomics you learnt at school. The Higgs-Boson particles are thought to be what gives all the other particles mass. Mass is what makes matter all clump together.

Matter is everything, so that is the atoms that make the stars, the atoms that make the Earth, the atoms that make you and me and Jeany and little baby Mary. All of it.

Without the Higgs everything would be wizzing around at the speed of light - they think. This was the idea they came up with 50 years ago, well specifically Peter Higgs did and he was told he was wrong but he kept going even though it is scary to be told you are wrong.

Now I'm still abit hazy on what is a field in this case and what is the particle so you may have to look that up yourself. (on that note guys are we talking probability fields and planck equations here? I'm a bit confused as the field is supposed to permeate the universe?)

The picture came from a friends facebook status were he gave his life sciences view on what had happened yesterday. I liked the imagery of a field giving birth to a particle and then I thought about the fact that yesterdays discovery had taken fifty years but like 3 of hard slog and that became the labour in my mind. Then I thought about the fact that they have found a Higgs-Boson and not the Higgs-Boson* and how annoyed anyone would be to have spent that long in labour and be told it wasn't over yet!

It is a shameless personification of something that can only really be visualised with mind bending maths and it is done as a joke! Honest guys don't shoot me 🙂

p.s. I am not saying that the theoretical part before the collider wasn't hard slog but more that the physical aspect of the experiments fit better with the idea of labour!

Cornbury Sunday 2012 (by )

There are a lot of photos here, just click on any you want to see bigger 🙂 (WARNING lots of CUTE)

Sunday Morning at Cornbury 2012 Sarah Snell-Pym in tent at Cornbury

Sunday Morning at Cornbury Music Festival loomed large and again I was the first to rise,s o I went to the lovely on site showers and then went and bought Kava Coconut milk from the brilliant site store and began making breakfast and stuff. Jean had instructed me not to run away again as she didn't like me being missing Saturday morning when she woke up!

Alaric and Mary playing at the campsite at Cornbury Baby Mary at the Campsite at Cornbury

Though the baby didn't stay over with us again as she is still so chesty she did have a good explore of the campsite 🙂 Whilst her sister decided to roll down the hill in her sleeping bag - this is traditional for camps we are on. Last day come rain or shine she gets to find a hill and roll! This time she was disgruntled as I wouldn't let her go any further and there were spiky plants she was worried she would roll into!

Ready set roll! Jean sleeping bag and a hill Rollong down the hill

We didn't see the giant rainbow birds again but we did see some Road Rage Grannys ridding their shopping trollies - Jean thinks it might have been the same people just doing a new pretend.

Road Rage Shopping Trolly Granny Old ladies and shopping carts!

We had a go at Welly Wanging - Alaric almost won me a pair of wellies but the welly skidded half an inch over the line and it had to be the whole welly in the circle 🙁

Alaric welly wanging at Cornbury Jeany welly wanging at Cornbury

Mary Mary not quiet a fairy, has lots of flowers you know! She also kept trying to run off with other toddlers which was fine until they got pushy as toddlers do and being small she was being bowled over by babies 3 months her junior!

A Mary flower! Mary how does your garden grow!

Alaric really wanted to make a fish as did I but Jean didn't so Al went and made one anyway but just the frame as we didn't want to be taking a gluey drying thing home with us!

Alaric making his fish at Cornbury

I love stilt walkers! This time it was a larger than life Lord who kept trying to join in the Morris Dancing!

A larger than life lord

Jean has a habit of finding people who will blow bubbles for her - this I found is quadrupled when she has her sister with her!

The girls watching Bubbles at Cornbury

We still could not find any childrens ear defenders so Jeany did not want to go to near the stages but that didn't stop her and Mary from dancing to the songs!

Dancing Polyps Jean and Mary and a giant cocktail umbrella

The girls loved the ribbon maze which Jean had spent large parts of the festival making as she did last year at the festivals!

Mary in the Ribbon Maze Ribbons at Cornbury Jeany and Mary in the Ribbon Maze at Cornbury

We liked the Morris Dancers especially as they had girl ones dressed in funky blacks highlighted with different colours and there was a Big Cheese too who actually had a cheese hat 🙂 I had to stop the girls trying to join in, I spotted the symptoms - wiggling and inching forward in the hope mummy and daddy wouldn't notice. But big sticks and stomping feet wouldn't mix well with little girls so I had to be mean!

Jean and Mary inching closer to the Morris Dancers with a view to joining in The Big Cheese Cornbury 2012

Mary managed to join in the crafts this year - well painting - with just a little help. Jeany was so excited to be helping Mary to paint!

Jean and Mary painting at Cornbury Me and baby Mary doing crafts at Cornbury

There was one group of people running the most fantastic kids workshops! This was the Going Native one which Jean loved!

Native American Drumming Jean Drumming at Cornbury Drumming like the natives Drumming Indian Wacky Stick Rhythms learning the beat Going Native Workshop

She even made a bow and arrow which she got a bit annoyed with having done actual archery - there was a feather and no knock on the end of the arrow. No arrow rest she could cope with but no knock....

Jean and her bow and arrow

Here is a pic of my family festivaling it 🙂

A pile of festival polyps

I ran the sock puppet making so Jean made several - this is her with one of her creations whilst wearing her angry birds hat from Wychwood Festival.

Jean the angry bird at Cornbury Jean and sock puppet at Cornbury

And then after face painting and candyfloss and Jean winning a badge from the Qi elves for her question about recursive acronymes (it was her own question too! I was relieved that it was a different set of people to the ones I'd asked my question off!). It was time to go - with me moaning about a certain Will Young who's lovely voice was mullering once again, one of my favourite songs - warrble warrble - how much warrble? rolls eyes.

Packed up to go home

Saturday of Cornbury (by )

If you want to see bigger versions of the photos just click on them.

Giant rainbow bird

Rainbow Birds - Jean had us tracking these birds all over the place! Though she was worried they were going to lay an egg on me due to a seam on their bum 🙂

Rainbow Bird very dino-esk! Two rainbow birds at Cornbury Jean was very worried it would lay an egg on me

We had a lovely breakfast at the campsite before we headed off to run my workshop.

Breakfast at the campsite

Jeany's photography

Jean's portrait of Mummy Jeany's Portrait of Mummy and Daddy

We had a very sleepy Jeany after she had done loads of crafts so we had a late lunch with iced drinks from Cafe Nero were we heard the lovely Yvonne Lyon.

A tired Jeany at Cornbury in Cafe Nero Yvonne Lyon Cafe Nero Cornbury

Later on we went to the Riverside Stage and everyone was fed up with my camp food so we bought some noms to eat whilst watching the acts.

Rocking Hippy Alaric Alaric and his veggie fayre

I thought the singer here had an amazing voice. I think they were called Satsangi.

Satsangi The Riverside Stage Satsangi

We then wizzed over to the SongBird stage to catch Hugh Laurie and The Copper Bottom Band (although due to the Qi tent I kept saying we'd seen Stephen Fry but amazingly everyone knew who I ment :/ )

Hugh Laurie with the Copper Bottom Band Hugh Laurie and The Copper Bottom Band

If I lost Jean and Al I could just wonder over to the Alpro Bowl and find them every single time.

Alaric in the Alpro bowl again Rocker Al and Plant Power

Ecover were there again with a cool dome for yoga and stuff, we played games and painted a giant ECOVER. Jean and Al came 7th out of 2000 odd players on the game last we checked 🙂

Alaric and a giant ecover bottle Jean on Ecovers griffitti wall Jean and mummy painting

This is Dave - he was the brains behind security and had a great time dancing at the main stage.

Dave the security cuddle Cornbury

After Alaric accused me of always taking photos of random bits of plastic I went back to the camp site and took a photo of some plastic.

Crystal Sun Sunlight and crystal

I just had to photograph these guys.

Cool Old Rocking Hippy in the rain dancing at Cornbury Pink Dude at Cornbury

Whilst I was doing my sock puppet workshop these guys did the most amazing fairy workshop!

Two Fairies Dancing Blue Fairy Dancing at Cornbury Wood Elf Tooting a Tune at Cornbury Music Festival Blue Fairy

This was the outside of the kids zone - it was fantastic!

Kids Zone! Flowers at Cornbury

Jean loved the Morris Dancers so we kept stopping to watch them though we only saw the women dancing the whole weekend!

The Dark Morris Lady Morris Dancers The Dark Morris at Cornbury

Saturday like Friday saw a rainbow!

tents an rainbows and festivals

The only thing Jean asked for during the day was a toffee apple so as she had been so good we bought her one 🙂

Jean and her toffee apple

This tent was next to us and Jean as predicted - loved it 🙂 Her and Daddy want me to do similar to our tent :/

It's the Shawn the Sheep tent


Saturday Rainbow at Cornbury

Cornbury Festival 2012 (by )

Thursday I was so tired - I had had a bad night of muscle spasms but was very excited about Cornbury music festival and I still had a lot of stuff to pack (like all my workshop stuff!). I ment to post these pics of the new hair before I went but forgot! If you want to see bigger versions of any of the photos just click on them 🙂

A very tired Sarah about to head off for Cornbury Festival hair

We ended up putting our tent up in the twilight and therefore cooking dinner in the dark - but I think Alaric enjoyed the challenge 🙂

Alaric cooking dinner Thursday night at Cornbury 2012

I was quiet cold and woke Alaric up quiet early on Friday as I didn't realise exactly how early it was. I had restarted my iron tablets but was still suffering cramps in my leg muscles and stuff and I was bored!

Purple Cold The morning Friday Morning at Cornbury Festival Sarah in Purple

It was quiet wet in contrast to last year when I got sun burnt! Not that Alaric cared it gave him an excuse to wear his cloak. It was interesting with the cloak - at Wychwood people had asked where we had bought it and were excited about it - at Cornbury we got Dickheads being very unoriginal about it. Though looking at the second pic I think the Hogwarts comment was spot on - it was just the sentiment behind it that narked.

A soggy Alaric in his cloak Wraith in Blue

We headed out to the Festival before it was actually open to the public so that we could work out were the workshop was going to be etc...

Cornbury Festival 2012

I took photos of funky festival things (as I always do).

parasol tassels in the wind tall curved flags banners at Cornbury Pink Banner at Cornbury Cool massage set up at Cornbury red and yellow lamp Blue and red lap Sunshine arm chair at Cornbury Sunrise settee in a field bronze banners Wicker Man at Cornbury Orange Flowers at Cornbury Purple Flower at Cornbury Festival

These were for the top of the bins and are a funky use of empty bottles and has me thinking of some more upcycled projects 🙂

Dude with his upcylced bottle posse Rubbish Posse

We had lunch back at the campsite and then headed off to run the first of the weekend workshops 🙂 This year it was Sock Puppets which worked really well.

Sarah's Sock puppet workshop at Cornbury The first sock puppet made at Cornbury

We then went to the Qi tent were I was expecting cocktails as it said interesting drinks in the programme but alas and alack there were none. But Alaric had fun working on my tea cosy and knitted about ten carbon atoms whilst thinking of a question to ask the 'elves'. I asked 'Where are you most likely to find naturally occuring terrestrial buckminsterfullerene (C60 also known as Bucky Balls). I got a badge for challenging them and then much to my suprise as I hadn't seen anyone else given one - I got a signed photo! I think this was for knowing the answer!

Alaric making my tea cozy in the Qi tent

I watched Never the Bride whilst Alaric went to get Jeany from my parents.

Never the Bride at Cornbury

Jean of course insisted we head straight to the Alpro stand!

Jean is obsessed with Alpro products

I saw this cool natural lighting on the wicker man so had to take another photo!

Cool lighting effect on the wicker man

We then saw same of Charlotte Church - she was delayed by technical difficulties and was a bit wobbly for the first song but then she was great.

Charlotte Church at Cornbury

We then found a very tall police man.

The long leg of the law

Then I got to watch the Waterboys 🙂

The Waterboys Red The WaterBoys Blue The Waterboys Green

Jean and Daddy having a sneaky snack that wasn't camp food I'd bought with us!

Jean and daddy at camping dinner

We then saw the first rainbow of the weekend 🙂

The first rainbow of the weekend

I was really gutted actually as it was a really faint rainbow and disappeared and I headed off to get Jean some suprise bubbles for the morning but I left the camera behind and lo! Full arch with glorious storm lighting over glowing banners up in the festival grounds. It would have been a stunning photo :/

Photos of Jeany

Slobby Jean arriving for festival on Friday Jean enjoying camping in waterproofs and angry bird hat

New Hair – Tri Coloured (by )

hair dye showing darker back stripe varigated hair Blonde, copper, maroon graduated hair

My hair is still a little damp in the photos so it will be slightly lighter and a bit more curly. I think I might stick with this for a while rather than adding the funky colours as I love the way it has turned out - a sort of Cindy Luarper cum Lulu look (if I was thinner and had straight hair that was much shorter!).

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