Category: Sarah

Gotye Hammersmith Apollo (by )

So we finally went to see Wally perform - we ended up being scooped in with the VIPs and what have you mainly due to my stick and the fact that I'd over done it at the Tate Modern so could hardly move and was shaking! I took loads of photos and video of the gig most of which is no good as the light levels were so low and we were so far away - I am placing my blurry gig photos on the blog anyway as it is mine and Al's external memory 🙂 Considering my little happy snappy camera and the fact I was sat in the circle I am actually really happy at the photos I got.

Blurry Gotye

String bean physic and a penchant for electronics - it really was like watching some relative of Alaric's on stage.

Gotye Hammersmith Apollo

We found Gotye because people said he was like Alaric to look at 🙂

Gotye singing in Hammersmith

Alaric I think has kept his hair short after having been repeatedly mistaken at festivals this summer as The Gotye Impersonator 😉

Gotye singing

Alaric was excited to discover Jonti at the concert and happy to hear Gotye who it had turned out we did own music off but had him squirreled away in Al's electronica stuff.

Gotye concert Pink guy in music video

I did alot of experimenting with the light settings and stuff on the camera and think considering how far away I was and the light levels some of these really aren't that bad.

Blue set up for Gotye

It is beyond me why people feel they have to spend the whole concert getting up and down from their seats - I started to get murderous over it! Especially if it was when I was trying to video or take a photo.

Blue two set up Gotye

I loved the visuals and am constructing some short stories based on their inspiration!

Skeleton back drop to Gotye

They confiscated my bottle of drink at the beginning when we went in but Alaric bought me a glass of diet coke.

Gotye at the instruments

Alaric commented that he thought Gotye looked more like our friend Richard than himself. I just smiled and said that the official vid of Easy Way Out is like a merger of him and Richard.

Red and Black Back Drop for Gotye concert

There was a plinky plonky instrument that I itched to have a go on and part of me was thinking - you know I have my laptop but no microphone on me damn!

Blurry Gig Pic Gotye

We tried taking pics putting the monocular on the camera but we just could not reduce the shake enough.

Gotye standing and singing infront of a drum

Alaric's comment about one of the songs was 'that reminds me of our hammond organ' to which I responded 'I think he sampled some of it from one'. We almost bought a T-shirt but were running low on budget.

Gotye singing Easy Way out Hammersmith Apollo

Have I mentions the weird blowy instrument he appeared to be using? Not sure what it was or even if it was a wind instrument and I didn't get to see it properlly as it was gone by the time I wrestled the monocular off of Al.

Yep blurry pic of Gotye singing

The voice synth was halarious he really played it up!

Red Blur Gotye Singing

This was mine and Alaric's first concert - I've stewarded events and works at events and performed at events but that whole audience thingy? Never really done it. Mainly due to the crowd and sitting down issue. I got these tickets as there were seated ones.

Red Blur Gotye

I do like my pics of pretty lights 🙂

Red Stage Gotye

Eyes Wide Open is my favorite song and one that I think the Green Unconference should have as a theme tune 🙂

Gotye singing Eyes Wide Open Hammersmith Apollo

The live visuals did differ alot in some cases and only a bit in others from the official musical vids.

Gotye infront of live visuals

This one I've kept just because I think it looks arty - it's called Ghost of Gotye.

Ghost of Gotye

I wonder if a better camera would have gotten me better pictures or if it is just my lack of skill!?

Gotye singing Thank For Your Time

I loved the way all the musicians lined up and sort of bobbed their way through this one 🙂

Wally and Co doing funky musical bob to Thanks For Your Time

There was only one song that I would have liked to have heard missed - everything else was covered.

Gotye singing Dig Your Own hole

This song Don't Worry We'll Be Watching You freaks me out slightly!

Don't Worry Well Be Watching You Gotye at Hammersmith

Some of the tunes are so haunting.

Gotye getting up to speed

I was wondering about the sort of procussion rings that he was using - what are they?

Gotye singing his heart out

It was quiet cool the way he would announce so and so on the synthasised/sampled sax and things like that. The thing is it does take skill to put this type of stuff together for a live show.

Gotye and things you hit to make a noise

He is an amazing drummer - I would have loved to get hold of one of his drum sticks.

Wally at his drums

The band were so slick that it was only when a bit of sound engineering went wrong that it differed from the recordings really - this was amazingly good to the point I started to suspect mimining until he accidently mucked up the acoustic as the Apollos more of a theatre.

Gotye infront of train tracks

The moods of the different songs were caught via the lighting - the crew should be very proud of themselves.

Gotye Green back drop

One of the songs Gotye had the responsibility of a little tiny cymbal - it was so funny the way he emphasised this 🙂

Singing Wally

Wally's little whitasisms thought out made us smile.

Night Drive at Hammersmith Apollo

I took quiet a bit of video of the gig but it is for a holiday vid of mine and Alaric's break rather than concert specific.

Gotye singing night drive Hammersmith

Bronte is Jean's favorite Gotye track though she finds it too sad as the girl doesn't get to say goodbye to her friends - I personally wonder if there is a more sinister ending.

Gotye singing Bronte at Hammersmith

Lots of people left as soon as the band walked off - this was in my opinion a rookie error - and I was right.

On stage and ready to go Gotye

We thought for a bit there that Ozzy's might not do oncors but they came back out and I have to find the name of the guitarist (I know he said it but I forgot it!)

Lights camera action Gotye at Hammersmith

The energy of the concert was fantastic mainly due to the musicians habit of noodling around on stage from one instrument to another. Wally/Gotye being the most noodly.

He whacks them cymbals! Gotye

It was an amazing evening were I ruined Alaric's Christmas surprise by getting myself a signed copy of Making Mirrors!

sing sing we now merrily Gotye

Alaric thanked me for organising it at the end and agreed we should catch concerts in the future - we would love to go to Australia to visit my family at some point - it would be brilliant if we could see him on his home turf at the same time but that sort of trip is way out of budget at the moment.

Jonti and The Chap – Gotye Hammersmith (by )

Gotye has quiet a diverse taste in music so we were intrigued as to what type of music would be the support bands. So we got to the Apollo early thinking we could go in and sit at the bar (this is what happens when you live outside of London for anytime you forget about all the people!). There was already a huge crowd and we couldn't find the end of the queue. A nice doorman person at the end came up to us and directed us to another door - were we were scooped in with the VIPs and what have you. I think this was because I was on my stick and to be honest I had completely over done it and was shaking with fatigue just standing was painful so I am extremely grateful though was a bit grumpy that the seated tickets were upstairs and there was no lift so me and the people on crutches made a slow rise to the circle which fortunately did have loos and drinks (they'd confiscated my inch of severn up!). I took pictures of pretty lights whilst we waited for the first act 🙂

Big dangly light Slightly different blue stage Blue Stage at Hammersmith Apollo Roaming light effect at Hammersmith Apollo

The first act was Jonti for Alaric this slightly topped Gotye as it was interesting and new were as the Gotye tracks were familiar and comftable and fun due to the little quirks put in.


I attempted to take some of the photos through the monocular - it did work brilliantly but I quiet like this pic of Jonti.

Jonti through the monocular

This guy wizzed about doing funky electric synth mix stuff with like little dance movements inbetween - I think the universe might implode from music awesome if he ever met Brown Torpedo. He had a guitar made out of an old oil can and a funky looking uke (I think). Alaric was entranced and enthused 🙂 To me he was bordering on a Dr Who-esk style performance.

Turquoise strip Jonti Green strips Jonti Stripy Jonti Green and purple Jonti Pink Jonti at Hammersmith Jonti and his oil can guitar Jonti and visuals Jonti and his electronics Jonti the first support act for Gotye Jonti at Hammersmith Apollo

The Chap

  • I swear that I already knew these guys I had a vague impression of having danced to some of the songs with my friend Aiofe and they were very much her type of music! I also almost said hello to the drummer before the show (before I knew he was one of the bands - it was surreal I thought I recognised him and then realised I didn't). I enjoyed them though the people behind me didn't to the point were I was ready to throttle them for making comments all the way through :/ Yes it wasn't the same type of music as Gotye and yes everyone was waiting for the big act but you know some of us were trying to listen and cough dance in their seats.

The Chap Hammersmith Apollo supporting Gotye Chapette The Chap Guitar The Chap at The Apollo The Chap Hammersmith Apollo The Chap Real Cool Cats The Chap Funky Beats Hammersmith The Chap End Pose Hammersmith

At the end we went and talked to Jonti and The Chap and got them to sign the ticket though we were missing the girl from The Chap - I was in a lot of pain so didn't want to hang around and was perhaps a bit snappy when it was pointed out that a band member was missing 'Yes well!' which was a bit rude but there you go. We were going to by music by them but somehow failed to do so though we did end up with a signed copy of Making Mirrors by Gotye.

Us with The Chap

Alaric and Sarah with The Chap

Me with Jonti

Sarah with Jonti

Due to both being shy we had to work as a team to actually go up and chat to them - so glad we did 🙂

And Now You can Sponsor Our Noveling Madness (by )

As the whole family is taken part in this and I am actually aiming for a nutty 90, 000 words in one month and have actually broken the 20 K mark today which means I've written more than 20, 000 words in a week, we thought we would put a page where people can sponsor us. The money is for the charity that organising the NaNoWriMo event every November but they do far more than keeping the servers and the likes going for insane writers like us. They put in a lot of work for classrooms and libraries and community efforts both on a local and global scale.

So it is there and waiting 🙂 No pressure.

Pumpkin Soup (by )

The innards of the pumpkin needed to be disposed off - I extracted the seeds, boiled it up and blended it and made bright orange soup.

Pumpkin soup

And the baby pappled it making a great big orangy mess.

Mary papples pumplin soup

The seeds I roasted in a low temperature over with a little bit of sea salt grated onto the top - these were are writing snacks 🙂

Roasted pumpkin seeds

NaNoWriMo – the family thing :) (by )

Everyone in the household is now involved in NaNoWriMo - Jean's story is amazing - I don't think she'll beat last years word count but that is fine and I've slowed her down slightly as she is producing the most articulate story and drawing pictures to boot!

The kids taking part in NaNoWriMo

Her story is based on the picture on the front of her note book! Mary of course could not be left out and so is scribbling in a little cat note book that I originally got for Alaric!

Alaric has been to his first write-in in Bristol at the Water Shed and is chuffed about his 2000 words plus. I have my first write in tomorrow (as in actual and not me and the girls and pumpkin soup.

We normally get a vat of jelly beans to see me through October and Novembers writing challenges and then through Christmas and a fair way into the new year but instead there was a Jelly Bean mug! The sort with a silicon lid that helps me not tip it all over myself and the laptop. It is purple comes with a few jelly beans and of course a new mug for my foul hot beverages is traditional for my writing madness.

New Nanoing mug instead of my Jelly Bean vat! And a Lego mascot

There is also a little lego mascot ready to help me write. I've only managed 4000 words so far but am hoping to drastically up this at the write in - to stick to my self imposed word target I need to be averaging 3000 words a day!

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