Crowd Sourced Creative Ventures (by sarah)
I love writing challenges and things like #FridayFlash and #StoryStarters on Twitter where there is an open community helping each other and giving writing prompts. So imagine my excitement when Neil Gaiman appeared on Twitter wanting prompts and inspiration for a set of stories!
He tweeted a question for each month with the hash tags #JanTales, FebTales and so on. I tried to stay up (he's in the US so time difference) to get all the months but only made it to July though the next morning I retraced and answered the remaining questions just for my own piece of mind.
I doubt any of my mine will be selected but that doesn't matter because if they are not then I have some prompts for my own writing.
The idea is sponsored by [BlackBerry who have been collecting all the tweets on a hub. And there will be charity calendar produced with crowd sourced art works as well (and yes I am hoping to do some pics for that to enter!).
This is a lovely idea as it draws in people and becomes something more than a story collection - it is in truth already a community - I have picked up one follower who was having issues with his writing prompt generator and I have suggested improvements to it and so on...
Anyway here are the questions and my answers:
Why is January so dangerous?
January is a time of change, the door way between one year and the next, a dangerous edge time #jantales
What is the strangest this to happen to you in February?
The strangest thing that has happened to me in Feb is I passed out in an art gallery & came round staring at a picture #febtale
What historical figure does March remind you of?
Queen Elizabeth the first as it was the first time I heard the legend of the Bisley Boy #Martale
What is your happiest memory of April
my little brother being born after so much waiting - that is the happiest April memory #AprTale
What is the weirdest gift you've ever been given in May?
A shovel over breakfast of a baby stoat in 3 pieces by an eccentric ancient aunt who thought we'd find it interesting. #MayTale
Where would you spend a perfect June?
The perfect June is spent with my family running workshops at festivals #Juntale not very interesting
What is the most unusual thing you have ever seen in July?
segway shopping basket grannies fighting and asking for gin - it was of course the stilt walkers latest get up #JulTale
If August could speak, what would it say?
My gown is covered in berries help me clean them up in time for a new golden gown of leaves #AugTale
Tell me something you lost in September that meant a lot to you.
A friend washed away in a flash flood whilst he was collecting soil samples in a small town near my home #SeptTale
What mythical creature would you like to meet in October? (&why?)
The Bunyip because when I was 4 my Australian aunts told me about it and I've always liked the stories #OctTale
What would you burn in November, if you could?
Hatred #NovTale
Who would you like to see again in December?
Too many people who I can't