Category: Relatives

Uncle Davids Visit (by )

David and Jean Without flash

My Brother David came up to stay with us and to try and get the Bambi running again (The camper van we borrowed on one of our 'adventures'). Jean thought this was great and kept dragging down his sleeping bag so that they could sit wrapped up in it! She also cried and insisted that she didn't want to go to pre-school as she needed to play with Uncle David!

She kept asking where Aunty Michelle was though and so we had to explain the concept of 'time off work'.

Alien eyed dad

Him and Dad also discovered they could turn into aliens with the power of my spring bulbs :/

Mum’s Treatment (by )

We came down to London this weekend, Jean was very excited as she was going to stay at Nanny and Ferfers and see aunty Michelle - Uncle David had been staying with us for the week so he wasn't quiet as exciting but would do none the less.

Mum's in the middle of her second lot of radiotherapy and its dragging on abit though she looks alot better on this lot than she did last time.

They have just given her the results of all the lumph node disections and though it was in some of them it has apparently not got out into the rest of he body and her life is no longer in danger - is what they say.

They have also assured us that the other lot of lumps are not cancer but as they have told us this twice already and twice already it has turned out to be cancer I'm not happy.

She gets weekends off of the treatment and so is looking forward to spending lots of time with Jean though mostly this seems to involve them both laying on mums bed watching films (Mum hates children films though this fact seems forgotten at the moment.)

The radiotherapy will end soon and then we will have to see where things go from there - hopefully on the up.

Dad's stomach problems are still continueing and he had to have a Barium enima. They have given him an appointement for July to discuess the results so we are assuming its nothing life threatening though it is happering his life quiet serverly and I'm sure that it will be affecting his over all health.

They haven't even really interviened were the symptoms are concerned.

I am relieved as I assume this means its not bowl cancer but why wait so long to tell us what it is?

Barbara sent mum some lovely snow drops from along the drive that Jeans is all excited about giving to Nanny and Nanny is very pleased with.

Worried (by )

Today mum is in for another lot of radiotherapy and within fifteen minutes of her appointment starting dad has to go in for an emergancy colonoscopy.

I am concerned as his father died when he was about five months older than dad is now - of stomache cancer. Dads been suffering stomache cramps and problems for about 9 months now. His family are prowne to having weak stomaches and he kept saying it was food poisoning and stuff. Plus stress tends to have them doubled up but this has just gone on and on.

He told the doctors when we finially got him to go a few months ago that he had only been sick for a few weeks and so they gave him antibiotics but didn't even take any samples which I felt was remiss. Some food poisioning can lurk and needs special treatment. I can only think he was playing it down.

He hasn't lost drastic amounts of weight but he's got that grey look to him he had just before the heart attack and he is really run down to the point of catching colds and stuff which have been developing inot chest infections. This is not good as a) it is weakening him and b) mum is supposed to be avoiding contagious people 🙁

Mums energy levels were also not good over christmas when we saw her.

On top of that mum and dad are relient on the wages we pay dad but we are up against a wall and the person I have been working for has pretty much stabbed me in the back so once again we are trying to muddle through 🙁

There are other medical issues as well which aren't helping the situation leading us to feel we have more than one child to look after and not enough resources to go round.

I was hoping 2009 was going to be better, I was hoping we'd get out of debt and the like but the noose seems to keep tightening.

All I can do is work away and hope some new work comes up until then I am going to continue on my own projects in the hope that google ad revinue will keep us afloat. I'm not hopeful but never mind.

Sammy Snowman (by )

We are currently snowed in so Jean didn't get to go to Pre-School today. Instead we have been building a snowman - his name is Sammy. Here are the pictures of Barbara and Jean - I'm not sure who was having the most fun!

We're going to build a snow man shovalling snow Too build a snowman Jean, Barbara and Sammy Snow

We then all went inside for hot chocolate with special chocolate cream on top! Barbara brought the sledge round but Jean said she didn't want to go on it so they are currently off building Barbaras fire etc...

Here are some other picks of the water fall - from these you can see that down in our valley here in Gloucestershire we haven't actually thawed out for weeks now!

the waterfall when its cold Ice bridge almost there Icicles galore the glaciers are coming!

I'm loving my new camera - though at the mo I only have its memory which is about 10 pictures which is frustrating as is the need to use the Kodak software when uploading the photos onto the laptop :/

Post Christmas Dinner (by )

Today we went to my brother David and his girlfriend Michelles house for a post christmas/new year lunch. There was lots of chopped peppers which Jean woofed down, homous and pizza!!! We were in hevean.

Then there were gifts, we handed over Jeans tea towel with her drawing on plus some bits I'd made. They did something similar and we got an old copy of one of their films as it was in a box set one of them had got for Christmas - this seems a sensible way of doing things to me. They've been having a few issues due to the credit crunch in that David lost his nice manager job just after they had sighned on the morgage. He is now temping at just about anything.

We had a lovely time, mum and dad had got them stuff for the new house which included a gravey boat - most of the pictures I took seem to contain it or David playing with it :/ Oh and yay!!!! I have a camera again!!!! Mum and Dad bought it as a joint birthday and christmas presant and it is twice the resolution of the old one though I am currently running on its internal memory which is a whole 10 pictures :/

But yay!!!! and here are the picks including lots of cute Jean ones and yes she's in her chinese outfit again. Unfortunatly last night we watched KungFu Panda so she now keeps hitting people 🙁

Michelle Michelle and her camera let me see the camera mummy! Monkey David distracted by the gravy boat Jean and David Monkey david playing the gravy boat Jean, Monkey David and the gravey boat Jean and her money box Alaric and Dad

I had to take arty shots I just couldn't resist - sorry!

pretty purple tree star


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