Mum went back for another ultra sound today just to make sure there really weren't anymore lumps as the drs had been arguing on this point.
The scan was clear which is fantastic! So now I have my fingers crossed for Thursday for two reasons:
First off dad has to go back for another lot of eye laser stuff and secondly there is a meeting about the enquiry into my uncles death - so we will have to wait and see.
Barbara was still in lots of pain this morning so we took her to the hospital - her arm is not broken just swollen lots which is a relief - last time she fell like this she broke her wrist and the time before she kept insisting it was all fine but it turned out she had dislocated her collar bone 🙁 and by the time she did go to the doctors with that it was too late to be able to fix it.
Dad was driving and managed to start going hypo outside the hospital so I got dad to go to the canteen with mum (in her wheel chair) whilst I did the shopping for Barbara's dinner party.
This is not a good picture of it but this was the hedge.
This is it now.
This is the hazel tree that they have decided only to chop bits off as its the aerial anchor but it was going to be chopped 🙁
Barbara saying goodbye to the hedge
This was the skyline - it is going to be dramatically altered.
There has been a bit of a dispute with the farmers who own the land surrounding us and as a result today saw the hedge along the stream being ripped up 🙁
This has made me very sad for several reasons - firstly Barbara has spent lots of time (and lots of our money paying Albert) doing those hedges - they are the type where you weave live wood into each other and yes it wasn't done in a way I liked and yes she had been nuaghty and planted some things the other side of the hedge in the farmers field but the whole thing has been ripped out.
Secondly this is my main suplly of elder berries and rowan berries for the Hedge row jelly I make and force you all to have at christmas and the like. It was also the source of most of my hazel nuts and the sloes for the sloe jin (that vile purple stuff I have forced onto some of you). This will also have large implications for the wildlife.
The farmer says he does want a hedge but he is claiming back land that has been 'our' side of any boundary for at least 30 years. The land being claimed back is not really useful to either party and it has been desided that we don't want to get antagonistic - especially as they have moved the fence behind our house too claiming back quiet alot of land which I had been planing to have the ducks on (when we get around to it). I am concerned muchly over the land behind the house and am also fearing that they might decided to cut the russet tree down or something silly like that.
This all boils down to the fact that there was a 'farmers' agreement between Al's grand parents and the perants f the three bothers who now own the land. The farmer seemed nice enough and agreed not to cut down the tree that Barbara's TV aerial is anchored too (once I pointed this out to him).
He told me lots of funny stories about him and Als Dad when they were young to.
Anyway, I only went up with Barbara as I came to see how things were going to find she'd had a fall whilst putting the bird food out and has hurt her shoulder and stuff. Last time something like this happened it turned out she had dislocated her colar bone and like last time she is insisting on waiting to see if its ok in the morning etc...
I had been intending to make lunch and had been concerned about dad and told him to make himself a hot cross bun to eat. I came back in after dealing with all of this to find him in a coma in the living room.
Dad's diabetic and not very good at controlling it and I went into the kitchen to find all the stuff out to prepare a bun to eat but the bun still sitting there. I was getting absolutely no response so it was sugar solution time and then that didn't seem to be working and I started to think that it was ambulance time but then got enough response out of him to get a toffee into him (whens he's coming out of hypo/going into them he doesn't believe he needs help and gets very cantankerous).
He then came around enough to declair he wanted a burger and that he wanted to eat mini (the black cat). This ment he was on the way out of the hypo but he was shivering very badly and has been slightly shaky for most of the day.
I found today quiet stressful.
Dad's being moppy about his welshness so I thought I'd celebrate St David's day with him this year - I made him a bunch of daffs but then forgot to give them to him before he went home :/
I was also going to make him a leek pastry but I was too tired and distracted after Tech Adventure - sigh.