This painting is of a snowman's fire place and will def. be part of a story at some point 
Jean's statements about Hogwarts and LoTR
1) Hermione is only there to keep the boys safe, that is her function, to look after them and solve the problems in ALL the stories.
2) Why is everyone pale? Where are the brown people, there is snow you get brown people where there is snow but no ones even got a suntan.... later hmmmm even the people with the elephants aren't really that dark and why are they all bad?
This opened some interesting discussions about the climates and things in fantasy worlds and how we imaging things differently when we read things.

This water colour was me trying to catch the the feeling of winter sun rises - though we haven't had snow for the last few winters it is something that had us frequently snowed including one year for the two weeks around Christmas.
I was thinking furrows in the fields etc...
Also not sure if I mentioned what I've been doing for the girls for Advent - I've been taking old graze boxes and covering them in wrapping paper - as in glueing it to the out side and the in side. I then put a craft project in it and decorated the outside with on of my drawings and the corasponding story title.
They both love this idea! I think I also have just enough kids stories ready for it as well 
I also felt a huge sense of relief when the graze boxes decorated for Christmas came through the door so now I am using them instead of having to paper ones myself 

This is day 8's painting 
Jean has discovered that she can use the concept of Father Christmas to cajole her little sister into helping with bedroom tidying - they still end up arguing.

It is day 6 of Advent and so here is my water colour - say hello to Mr Snowman. Alaric likes this one though I kind of don't!
And to keep with the chill of winter, here is Jean's song In The Winters Heart.

Here is painting number four - The Ice Cave, and as of last night I am no longer the only sick bunny. Alaric came home from work yesterday and had to cancel cubs - he never does this but unfortunately he has picked up a stomach bug or maybe this bug - what ever - he is ill. He was not in a state were he could take Jean and her friends to school this morning either which was DOOM and LOOM but fortunately their parents stepped in meaning they are doing both school runs today 
But apart from that things are good and I am on the mend which is fortunate if he is on the down (really hope he isn't!).
Anyway for those of you who are interested today's advent for the girls is one of my Blanket Farm tales - Baa Baa Blue Sheep.