Tom Long the long ginger tom cat has been scared of Mary since she arrived in the house though to be fair he is spending most of his time banished outside as he is the snuggliest of the cats and also the biggest by far! But like the gineu pigs and the rabbit - he is scared of Mary! Well he was until the beginning of last week - he now tries to ignore her existance 🙂

Baby Mary 'opening' her present from Granny Lynne and Grandpa Lionel 🙂 I think Jean was more excited about the scarf though as it matches hers 😉

Since being home Mary has discovered the joys of sitting up - we thought it was a bit early for this but she loves sitting up (supported obviously) and looking around.

Jeany is still very much 'can I hold Mary now? I want Mary!' too the point of telling people to go away if they hold the baby too much :/
This is Jean's portrait of Mummy and Mary - she really loves taking photos!

More Jean and Mary!
On Wednesday Alaric walked up to the school to pick Jeany up - as Mary had just finished her feed he took her with him 🙂

As a result of this Jeany ended up taking her baby sister in for Show and Tell on Thursday morning - Daddy helped by carrying the baby - apparently there was lots of ooing and ahhing 🙂 Though one of the kids did ask if she was a girl :/
Midwife came around again on Friday - the infection appears to have cleared up, I still feel fluey due to the anemia which is also why I am still going faint and seeing stars when I stand up. It is also causing me to be breathless and have heart pangs. Apparently part of this is to do with losing 600 ml of blood during surgery - I didn't think this was too bad - it is only just over a pint and I lost like three prints with Jean's delivery and then continued to have high blood lose (though that did result in me needing fluids put back via drips and talk of transfusions).
But the antibiotics have finished and the large red triangle rimmed in white on my belly has gone (this was hot to the touch and lumpy meaning it was cellulitis - it went from my belly button down and was the reason I wasn't even initially allowed to move hospitals). I have some brusing/blood pooling in the bottom of my belly still where the 'clamps' apparently went but my wound is now only weeping straw coloured liquid which is a good sign. I'm still cleaning it the three times a day - I'm having to run on full body washes as I don't yet have my shower seat and can't get into the bath for a shower due to pelvis.
But! Even the pelvis is not actually that bad! If it wasn't for the wound and the stars I could be out and about with the crutches!
I've been at home for a week now and it is two weeks and a day since Mary was born and I am on the mend - I am a bit run down but that is the Fe issue again. I can't yet face another car journey - the one to get home caused my wound to bleed/weep to the point that I had to go and change all my cloths :/
Mary is fine 🙂 She is infact putting on weight from my breast feeding - which itself is so much easier than it was with Jeany! Her umbilical cord has still not fallen off which we're a bit nervous about so keep making the midwives check (Jean's one got infected so we are being ultra careful and nuerotic about it especially as it is actually a bit fatter than normal - apparently it was full of lots of the jelly!).
I am feeling quiet optamistic about getting better - at the beginning of the week I could bearly lift my feet unless I woddled which strains the pelvis more - now I can lift each foot in turn about an inch and a half off the floor though I cannot sustain this with out pain.
I'm still sleeping on my back but have awoken two days in a row on my side - this causes a lot of pain to move out of but the pain of moving into it did not wake me up so that is a huge improvement 🙂 The right side feels more mobile than the left which was the case after Jeany.
The Dr is coming to visit on Monday and the Health Visitor on Tuesday and there is going to be another Midwife visit next week too so things seem very busy here.
I am getting a little bit board with reading and watching films but at the same time can't really see me going out at all in February to be honest. This translates as your welcome to visit but check first!