Mary is only 3 1/2 months old and I am weaning her - I started by letting her just taste things at about 3 months because she would squeak angrily when we were eating - screwing her little face up and looking like a red Donald Duck. But because World Health Organisation recommends just breast for the first 6 months I was trying to hold off full blown weaning as in giving her mushed up foods to eat.
But she just would not sleep and began grabbing at food we were eating. So I chewed up banana and fed it too her and she slept like a log!
We had to wean Jean at three months as well after talking to the Midwife/Health Visitor who was coming round at the time - Jean was a hungrier baby though so I thought Mary would last out a bit longer.
Anyway the last few days have been great - she loves banana, carrot and parsnip, semolina (without sugar!), peas and sprouts. She is really enthusiastic about this and grins when she sees she's being put in the highchair. She even grabs the spoon and to my amazement tries to ram it in her mouth - though I think this is many due to the fact she tries to ram everything into her mouth at the moment!

Jean's school did a street party she was supposed to be dressed in red, white and blue but I discovered we really didn't have anything like that so she had puprly-blue and pinky-red and glittery unicorn white!
Friday I actually sent Alaric with the girls to the village street party at the Black Horse. Jean took her union jack she'd made at school.

Just before Mary was a month old my brother and his fiance came to visit 🙂 Mainly we hung around the house due to me not really being well enough to go out though I did manage one outing to the Beefeater at the Twelve Bells which was lovely 🙂
There was lots of film watching and chatting and Mary and Jean snuggles 🙂 Complete with new cuddly toys for all and some funky pens with stamps at one end which Jean has been using continually since the visit! (Though annoyingly sometimes on herself :/ )

Mary and Dad were sitting on the sofa and I just couldn't help but think of them as the two bald ones - this was not helped by the fact that Dad pointed out that Mary has hair round the back and down the sides but not much on top!
I am now carrying out my threat to put the photo on the blog under the title of The Two Bald Ones 😉