With the realisation that we have almost been here a year and that our sword was still not mounted on the wall we thought we would get a wiggle on and start doing all those niggly little jobs we didn't get time to do though out the year - we also needed to put hooks up for Christmas decorations etc...
We also mounted the little butterfly that Jean made me two christmasses ago! It wont sit in my preferred orientation so I may have to take sugru to it.
Here is Alaric preparing the way to drill.
The funniest bit about this though was that the sword was down off of the mantle piece and the girls were both instantly drawn to it! I love this pics and will be creating a story about them on the Wiggly Pets blog.
Last year our friend bought Mary a lovely little outfit which too our surprise fits again this year! It has a little hood as well but she wouldn't have it pulled up over her head (at least not whilst I was trying to photograph her!).
She is really excited about Christmas and it is making us all grin!
Mary is developing in leaps and bounds at the moment - she is trying to potty train herself which is being interesting. This has resulted in frustration for her as she forgets to pull down her trousers or lift the lid on the potty or both!
She likes to have snugs whilst drinking milk still and we have to watch Gotye first thing - she points to the music video and says 'Daddy toot!' meaning Daddy's foot - I have actually tried showing her both the music video and then our spoof to show her it's not actually Daddy but I think this has confused things more :/
Our spoof
The first video is Daddy Toot the second is Daddy Bubba (baby). She is very waily as babies go but also very easy to entertain and make giggle. She tries to do a magic trick of making her arm disappear up her sleeve which is really really cute! And she is too rough with the cats and sulks when they get put out at night or when we are about to go out.
She can ask for 'Roe Roe!' Row Row Row Your Boat. And she has problem solving skills that are doing my head in as it means I take something off of her and she works out how to get it back no matter where I have put it!
She loves play dough and music and drawing with Jean. She bites Jean and Jean is too soft on her. We are looking forward to Christmas Day and her and her sisters interactions 🙂
This morning I dug out the Christmas decorations, and popped a christmas CD on. The children were so excited it was amazing. Alaric put hooks in the ceiling and things to put decorations up. Mary just grinned and grinned at the stars and tinsel. We need to do some drilling to put the lights up in the window so that will have to wait as will Christmas Tree. I also can't find the advent trees so might have to improvise something.
The cutest thing was Jean deciding that they were both reindeers (due to the hat on Mary that had been Jean's) and making reigns with a string of christmas beads and saying they were run aways. 'Oh look at me I am a run away reindeer with another reindeer following me!' Mary ran along in her wake giggling - this lasted a long time 🙂
Rudolf has also decided to stable with us again this year even though we no longer have a paddock! Jean loves going for flights with her red nosed buddy 🙂
Mary had a Children In Need thing at nursery on Monday and Jean had a spotty day today at school so my mum run up these cute little matching outfits for them 🙂
In other news I am about to break the 50K barrier on my NaNoWriMo novel! I am so pleased with myself 🙂 Alaric is at about 11K and we both had a productive time at the Bristol write-in last night! Unfortunatly I am going to have to swap my focus over to making christmas presents and stuff like getting The Little Book of Festive Poetry ready to raise money for Jean's school library - on the plus side I have been enjoying the spotty mug I got last year whilst writing!
Don't forget you can sponsor us for the writing 🙂
Mary is learning to talk - she is doing a combination of English and Lojban often taking just the common sounds from both words and she is emulating Jean's singing etc....
This has led to an unfortunate word that she is happily chanting - it begins with s and ends in t and means poo though obviously that is not what she means - we think she is trying to copy some of the lyrics of Down By the River Side but it is embarrassing! And halarious.
We are ignoring it in the hope she stops doing it as if we make a fuss she'll think its a game and do it more!