Category: Society

The Danger of Quotas (by )

Recently a Ruby on Rails conference was destroyed and never took place because feminists complained there were no women on the panels and talks etc... when it was pointed out that no women applied the response was that they had not tried hard enough to find women. This attack grew until the sponsors pulled their money.

This is a shame and horrible, a lot of work had gone into the event and I'm sorry but it is not the organisers fault no women applied. They should not be forced to look for women for fear of events not going ahead. Now what should have happened is that the event went a head and effort was then put in to encourage female programmers to apply to the next one.

Even if women had applied but were not as good as other candidates, there should not be an obligation to take them on just to fill the quota.

Now obviously there is the issue that some people for some reason still seem to think women are not as capable with things such as science and maths and programming but really forcing them to put women on panels is not going to help. The quota thing is being banded about in the science world but to me this can be nothing but damaging to the image of females in science and tech.

The reason is that it devalues what they do - ok so they are there because they are actually really good at what they do - but no one is going to be thinking that - they will be thinking oh she's the token woman isn't she? I wonder if she actually knows her stuff.

Now I had issues with this during my degree. I found out about the area I really wanted to study due to an outreach programme for getting women into the sciences and this was good. In conversations I've had since with various people in charge of universities they agree that the intake of girls on the courses suddenly increased to around 50% and that this was streadily trickling upwards through the science hierachies. There was some winnowing away with the issue of women hitting the glass ceiling with finding themselves at home with kids if they went for families in their 20's, they would often then find themselves also look after sick relatives or some such making a return harder but this was being metered out by older women joining the ranks once family were off hand.

This was great and I never experienced any problems with sexism from staff or established scientists (though disability was another thing and I believe a friend who found herself pregnant had one person say she wasn't coming back so why make a fuss - she got her degree and that staff member was horrible in many other ways). I agree that evidence of women succeeding is needed but it does not need to be rammed down peoples throats. The issue is that we are heading towards equality right?

Not female supremacy.

My main beef with quotas is that though I did not receive any sexism from the lecturers or those I worked with during my work experience I did from fellow students. And the main thing they bullied me over (and yes I mean that in all it's nastiness) is that I ticked three boxes, I filled three quotas with just one person so of course I got in. I was a disabled, poor, female, the only way I could have been better for the books is by being a minority preferable not the creamy pale white I am.

And the thing is there is no come back to this - how did I know that wasn't why I was on the course?

I already knew that I'd been offered a lower grade boundary to get in than others had - a correction made as those in 'normal' schools tend to score lower grades than those in schools you pay for but tend to actually work their buts off if they manage to get in. As it turned out I got the grades needed to get in without the concession which was a great help with the confidence when arguing my right to be there.

The most important thing for succeeding is self confidence but how can you have this if you yourself are worried that you are only there because of some damn quota. A female lecturer told me this was why women had to be better than men to get to the higher jobs in the modern science world, no longer is it to get noticed but more to keep the wolves away once you are there.

To me it is saddening to see that people are still worrying about this, and I have seen 'feminists' do and say some awful things. Things that make me not want to say 'I am a feminist' - when I say it I mean that women are equal to men. When they say it they mean women are better than men and men are all horrible and must pay for centuries of persecution against women.

Well you know if that's the case then they need to look at who's ancestors persecuted who's and start worrying.

People are people.

Scientists are people that do science - end of.

The Writing of Serious Stuff (by )

I has been wanting to write about news events and serious things for a while but I am finding it hard, I used to write what ever I wanted and pop it on here but I become increasingly worried about offending people etc... It is really lame and very sad so I want to get back to writing what I feel needs to be written rather than worrying about what people want.

Part of the issue is that I have been told I sabotarge myself - by bringing up political stuff etc... but really I can't just ignore stuff. Sometimes I have not had the energy to tackle a subject, not had the time to research it as much as it needs to be etc... Part of the issue is that I am also bored of having/listening to the same arguments again and again. It's like philosophy - it got old at university and everyone just moves in circles and it drives me nuts!

Anyway I want to get back to writing my little ranty essays even though it means I will probably be going in an ever decreasing circle and be called Ozzel Um.

Having said that - there is now a Snobberlink Category on Wiggly Pets full of daft comics 🙂

Horse Meat and Food Standards (by )

Ok so everyone has been going on about the horse meat in the beef burgers and there have basically been too reactions 1) Oh my god! and 2) hahahahaha.

The first one tends to be along the lines of 'oh no I ate poor horseys!' which for people who eat meat is a bit silly. As has been pointed out they are moaning about the wrong animal being minced up for food. Is a horse really more valuable than a cow?

It could be argued that the horse is more intelligent but the people arguing this will nearly always be bacon eaters too and pigs are really intelligent. The other thing is that this seems horrific to the English but the rest of Europe eat horse! All the time not just when there is a cock up.

People need to assess what they are actually eating rather than burying their heads in the sand. I have friends who don't like the idea of the animals being killed but will not give up meat - they just buy bits that don't look like animal and try not to think about it. Maybe if they thought about it a bit more things like this wouldn't slip in under the radar.

This is interesting as Alaric doesn't even eat fake meat as the idea is alien to him. And this brings me to the point that though I think the reaction is silly, there is still the matter that people where choosing to by minced cow and not minced horse and the choice should be there. Not just for ethical reasons either - now I am not a vegitarian but have issues with cow fat. They make me sick weather in milk or the meat so for me a mistake like this could have serious health consequences. Say I was buying lamb burgers and they happened to contain cow - I would be getting sick and not know why. This is a safety issue.

Also if they have managed to put the wrong meat in there what else has accidently slipped in?

This mess is also going to result in a hell of a lot of food wastage at a time when people are queueing at soup kitchens and food banks are struggling to supply what is needed for all the families in crisis and that makes me want to cry or throttle someone. I know it would seem like a solution to give the patties to them but that would only work if they could be guarenteed safe otherwise you might be making a bad situation worse.

Lets hope it ends up in the bacteria vats for gas and electricity production than in landfill.

Shemsa’s Dogs and Cats (by )

This post isn't about the big stuff but about one murder and a legacy.

My friend has spent the last year trying to help her friends in Tripoli one of whom was sadly murdered. The lady was called Shemsa and was a kind and loving person who looked after and took in all the strays. Her death has left her friends with the task of rehoming and looking after the animals she had rescued.

You can follow their efforts on their FaceBook Page.

Volunteering (by )

I've always wanted to change the world for the better. I'm not sure where this impulse comes from, but it's probably something to do with reading a lot of science fiction and adventure stories as a child. It's always seemed natural to me that the world is a place full of problems, and that they can be solved with a mixture of ingenuity and dtermined hard work.

You can do a lot of world-saving on your own; indeed, that's often the most satisfying kind, as you can see the direct results of your actions in isolation. But it's hard to find opportunities to do so. Problems that have a chink in them a single person can exploit and solve them are rare. Most problems are large and don't have an easy fix (even a cunning one), and a single person's effort against them would be like trying to divert the wind by waving your arms.

So the most immediately rewarding means of improving the world is to join up with others who have a similar idea on what to do, and volunteer to work together with others as a group. This might mean forming a loosely-coupled team, like the contributors of an open-source project; or it might mean joining a more formal organisation.

As it happens, I do both.

On the loosely-coupled team side, I'm involved in the Scheme programming language community, and the Chicken Scheme sect within it; and I have a bunch of open-source projects I publish on my site, Kitten Technologies. Ugarit might help to save the world by helping it to keep better backups and manage its files better, Tangle might help the world not get confused with its cabling, Simple Graphics might make a tiny contribution towards teaching future generations to do awesome things, and if I ever have the time and money to really put some effort into it, ARGON might provide the world with a vastly more awesome platform to build software systems upon.

And on the formal organisation side, I'm the Cub Scout leader for the Cub pack in the village I used to live in. During school term time, every Wednesday I spend an hour in the village hall with two dozen kids aged eight to ten inclusive, trying to broaden their minds and teach them useful life skills. They are a lucky lot, in that that's all I do for them; some Scout groups give children an escape from abuse at home or other terrible situations like that, but my lot come from relatively secure backgrounds, and are well loved, well fed and well educated. Once a year or so I organise a camping weekend, too, where they can learn a bit more self-sufficiency, and have an exciting adventure with their friends.

All of the voluntary stuff I do is very rewarding. When I think about the sorts of things I'd do if I was rich and didn't have to work, a large fraction of it is voluntary work. When I had more money in the past, I actually hired somebody to write open-source software for me, and I'd do it again if I could. I suppose my interest in wearable computers is driven more by my own interest and desire to sharpen my skills than in any benefit to the rest of the world, but I'll still be publishing my designs for others to take inspiration from or to just build their own copy! Volunteering is also a great way to gain new skills, gain confidence, and meet new people. It's my default suggestion for people who feel lonely, bored, or stuck in a rut.

I'm under no illusion that I'm some saintly figure laying down my own interests in order to help others, either. I just happen to enjoy making other people happy, and also enjoy tinkering with certain kinds of technology that happen to be very easy to share, thanks to the Internet. My contributions to the world have generally been insignificant compare to many others, and I often feel sad about that - I feel I am spending too much of my time just keeping my family safe and fed (which is my first priority), and that the kinds of things I'm good at are unfortunately only useful in narrow niches (distributed data storage technology isn't going to solve world hunger on its own). But such is life! This year I am setting aside two weekend days every month for my own projects - for January, this is going to be spent on my infrastructure rather than anything directly useful, as I need to repair the roof of my workshop as part of the ongoing process of making it into a more usable work area, but if I have any time left after that I'm going to work on Ugarit some more (on the sofa in the house - getting an Internet connection down to the workshop is a project for next month).

Volunteering can become unhealthy, however.

I'm struggling with running the Cub pack right now; I am the pack's only leader, and it's more normal for a pack to have two or three leaders. I have helpers who come along on the Wednesdays, which is invaluable as I couldn't safely run the meetings alone, but I still need to organise something every week, and then be there to run it. If I need to take a week off for some reason, I still need to either organise somebody to take over and prepare the required information for them, or contact all of the families to tell them I'm having to cancel an evening (which I really, really, don't like doing). I skirt the edge of a vicious circle - doing something because I feel I have to, and fearing the consequences if I don't, takes the fun out of it; and after executing all my other responsibilities of the day, I often lack the energy to do things I'm not fueled by enthusiasm over, so put them off. That in turn increases the unpleasant stress and pressure the next day until I end up rushing it all at the last minute!

Volunteering where you sit down and do something you feel like doing is safe. Taking on a responsibility is a little more dangerous. I am under no real obligation to keep running the Cub pack - there's no contract - but without a backup leader, if I leave, the pack will collapse, and I don't want that to happen to the lovely kids. Not to mention that I'd miss the little blighters! So I press on, providing a rather less exciting programme than I'd like. I think that it's not a good idea to take on an ongoing voluntary responsibility alone; it should be done as a group, so that the workload can be shared more easily, and when a group member is overloaded with other pressures, they can temporarily or permanently reduce their contribution without major disruption - and otherwise tedious planning and preparation can be fun when it's done as a group. However, sometimes you start doing something as a group and end up doing it alone, or (as in this case) start something with the expectation that others will join you once it picks up some momentum, but they always want to join as helpers rather than taking over from you to some extent - or, alternatively, that you're bad at delegating because you're scared of putting too much pressure on them and losing them.

Speaking of which, I need to go and prepare something for the Cub meeting tomorrow...

...actually, I can do it in my lunch break tomorrow, and go to sleep now instead, as it's forty minutes past my bedtime already. A MUCH better idea. Surely.

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