Yesterday I went into Cheltenham to meet with one of the directors of the Cheltenham Poetry Festival to sort out what I was doing for the festival. I was already doing the Slam but I'd suggested I could take some photos of the events with my new camera.
They loved the idea and I have scored my first ever press pass. Last year with the old camera I took photos of events I happened to be at and some of the artists then used the photos I had taken for their websites and profile pics and what have you so this seemed a logical step forward. I may also be performing at a couple of other events at the festival.
I am also working on a new novel project so spent the afternoon working on that resulting in only 10 pages being written - I think I am out of practice!
I then wondered around in the twilight looking for low light level type photos to take 🙂
I really like the way this one above came out 🙂 I sort of want to draw him now.
I love stone statues in strange lighting.
There is a sad manic-ness in these horses again they make me want to draw them.
Today is also the last day of the Science-Art Gallery at Centre Arts so I shall be in there from 12:30 till 5 pm so if you're kicking about do pop in. It is the arts cafe and there is tea and cake 🙂
As part of the Science-Art Exhibition and to celebrate National Science and Engineering Week I wrote up the pattern to my knitted Bucky Ball. I illustrated it with photographs of the process and took them into the weekly Knit and Natter group that meets at Centre Arts in Cheltenham every Wednesday.
This resulted in a triumph for Science Communication - I ended up explaining what atoms and molecules were to a lady who did not know. And on top of this I now have a pattern written up 🙂 I want to add in some Bucky Ball facts and then release it on Etsy and possibly in other places too (it is already 4 pages long! Though that is with instructions on how to knit oxygen and hydrogen atoms too).
Centre Arts is also knitting a poem for The Cheltenham Poetry Festival which I've been too busy to knit any of. I got to see the title line whilst I was there 🙂
I Am An Ammonite is a poem written by Marcus Moore as part of the Cotswold Water Park Trust. I feel very lucky that they all said yes to it being illustrated and placed in the Science-Art Exhibition at Centre Arts in Cheltenham. The poem is on canvas and I attempted to make it seem as if it was in a sea full of ammonites and also a sea turned to stone - all at the same time.
This week is National Science and Engineering Week which is why this week is the week of Science-Art being shown. If you get a chance do pop down - it is only there until Saturday.
If you wish to read the poem you can see it on here on Marcus's blog. And yes I took a wonky photo.
Part of the Science-Art Exhibition at Centre Arts in Cheltenham are these lovely pieces of molecular jewellery made by Lizzy Burns. I met Lizzy a couple of years ago at the Cheltenham Science Festival and was honoured that she agreed to be part of the display 🙂
Yesterday I spent the afternoon at Centre Arts in Cheltenham for their arts cafe they have every week - this week however is National Science and Engineering Week and I have organised a science-art exhibition with much help from the centre.
So the art was there, there were cakes and there was laughter 🙂
There was also live music 🙂