Category: Events and Outings

Mary’s 3rd Birthday – postponed (by )

Mary opening her birthday cards

So I am being a bad Mummy and being stressed - we have a broken home at the moment and budget wont stretch to a party outside the home so we decided to postpone Mary's birthday celebration - she is not old enough to know different.

Special pizza picnic tea

But we did have a little picnic tea with her - Daddy made her special pizza she can eat and she opened the cards and presents that arrived in the post.

Mary opening her birthday presents

I also made cake pops in the afternoon with her.

Mary's Mary made birthday cake

She likes cake.

Mary eating cake!

The Art House Bristol (by )

Light Orb Tangle

Thursday I headed off to Bristol with the lovely Nick Short, the aim - to read poetry at the Art House. We had a little bit of trouble finding it, the Art House is a lovely little cafe with a cellar/entertainment area. There are arty pictures on the walls and yummy foods to be had.

Guitarist Rianna Art House Bristol

There were some wonderful musicians playing, I especially liked the Vampire guy though I failed to get a photo of him 🙂

Poet with funky Russian hat Art House Bristol

We bumped into an old friend from Cheltenham who had also come up and ended up in a conversation with a woman at the end who wondered why we'd come all the way to Bristol to perform. It is a weekly event at the Arts House and Bristol simply is bigger and has more to offer was the answer. Cheltenham has a great poetry scene but it is not weekly or even every night like it is in Bristol. We spoke of the poetry society and the Festival and then moved on to art in general.

Nick Short performing poetry at the Art House

I read an arch of poetry starting with a Fist Full of Nitro and ending with Star Stuff. From the individual and depressing to the optimistic future of all was the way I saw it.

Sarah Snell-Pym reading her poetry at the Art House Bristol

It was a lovely night.

Orange wicker orb

Day 9 – VAT issues (by )

The painting is called Lonely Christmas and is part of the painted advent I am doing, I like the concept and the colours but... I don't think it quiet works - nor unfortunately do my plans for The Little Book of Festive Poetry amongst other things. Basically there are new VAT laws coming in and they seem stupid complicated and so for now like many many authors I am having to currently put a hold on selling ebooks 🙁

But you can still listen too it here.

A Christmas Yorky (by )

Mary stroking the piggies

We headed up to see our Northern friends, going on a little tour on route to see our friend Andy which was far too brief but lots of fun. Though I don't think Alaric is going to forgive him for introducing us to the 'What does the Fox Say' song!

Jean loves this song as it is the style of music she likes but not about love or money or things she's not interested in - it's about foxes and she loves animals - her comments where high pitched and consisted of 'CUUUUUUTE!!!!' Also the old guy reading reminds her of Ferfer when he's reading her and Mary stories and doing the silly sounds. I personally think the guys are cute and I love silly songs 😉

Alaric lives in horror as I have started singing it but merging it with leek spin and the gummy bear songs etc al 😀

Anyway it was great seeing Andy again and the kids loved him 🙂 One of the things it has highlighted for me is how long it has been since I saw a lot of my friends - something I wish to rectify this year.

Andy and the girls

Then we went on to Yorkshire to see our friends Ulrike and Mike and their ginea pigs 🙂

Piggies enjoying some greens

Ulrike had decorated the house fantastically for Christmas! Jean and Mary are still talking about it 🙂 There were lots of pocket dragons and a golden dragon in a santa hat with bells on it for Jean. Mary is so happy with her 'babies' - survallian family rabbits - baby and toddler 🙂

Ulrikes Christmas table Pocket Dragon Dragon ridding and Christmas tree candle fretwork Pocket dragon christmas star Christmas scene windmill snow candle light dome

The girls loved opening their presents and we played board games 🙂

Jean opening presents

Mary and Alaric opening presents

We went to see some horses (photos on Alaric's phone still!) and watched the Grinch and Brave and played Mario Carts which I am even worse at than 2 years ago, when I played it at my Bro's house - Jean says this is because I was using a steering wheel last time and this time it was controllers. I was pretty bad with the steering wheel!

Mike and the Mario carts entertain the girls

Ulrike is a Harry Potter nut just like us and has the MOST amazing potion bottle collection 🙂

Ulrikes Potions Glass Ware

The potions store cupboard

We also had an amazing breakfast with bread rolls in a lovely wicker basket:)

Green Crockery set for breakfast

It was lovely and we really enjoyed ourselves and wish we could have stayed longer with both Andry and Ulrike and Mike. Here are more photos of the girlies and piggies 🙂

Silver the gineapig Jeany and the piggies Jean and Mary with the gineapigs

As you can see Jeany still really loves the bundles of fluff 🙂

Jeany feeding the piggies

Plans for the Year (by )

Main one for me is just to get my college stuff over and done with, I think if I was to do anymore I'd look at doing a module a year or doing it full time. Seems a contradiction but it's the way I work best - I have to either be immersed in it or have it so that I can potter along with it.

Apart from that I am really nagging Alaric to try and get that novel off of my old laptop - yes the same novel I was going to get sorted last year - yes that one - now hush.

There is the Monster Blogs 5 yr thing and all that jazz! Hoping to get more things on Etsy and do more of the Bristol Markets.

Mainly though I want to actually meet up with and write to my friends again. I feel I've been really bad at this especially the last few years.

House wise there is the leaks and things to get fixed which I am hoping is not going to be a huge headache to be honest but know probably is.

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