Today is World Book Day - Jeany is sick and not at school but I hope she'll get to go in tomorrow when her school are doing their celebration. She has opted to be a Marsh Wiggle this year, from the Narnia
books which she has just finished her second read of. We love World Book Day at the household Snell-Pym 🙂
So far Jean has been Aladdin with a little papier mache lamp with a home made fairy doll in it, Moppet out of Beatrix Potter
, a dinosaur from Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs
, I think she went as Hermione or something one year - I recall she wasn't really dressed up but I had to plait her hair and she had a stack of books as part of the costume and she is a Harry Potter
nut, last year she went as a Dwarf from The Hobbit
If she is feeling well enough we are having a read-a-thon today instead of films and I might do some book cup cakes if I get my college work to an acceptable level of completion. Although her glands are up so she maybe sadly be on soup and smoothies instead - cakes can be frozen 🙂
coughs technique for keeping my children occupied whilst I try and do the homework/tidying/work!
p.s. the World Book Day website is a good look for parents but a better look for those interested in writing especially for children.
p.p.s. Jean is also reviewing books she reads over on Orange Monster for those who are interested in either Jeany or a child's opinion on the literature out there.

Today I had my exam or timed assessment for college - we could take a sheet of notes and the case study in with us. I had extra time for breaks due to the ME and separated pelvis and a nice chair to sit in, but the dyslexia stuff (due to me not getting stuff sorted (or paid for) in time) was not taken into consideration - so there was no easy writting extra time nor use of a computer which will impact my results.
The break time was needed as my stupid arm decided to go into spasm about half an hour in, the break time allowed me to massarge it and get it sort of ok to continue writing. After each break I could write again and the stretching was needed in order for me to not be in stupid amounts of pain at the end. I had also taken pain killers and stuff to help me through.
That over I began to reflect on the day and the course etc... I had arrived early and went and sat down by the campus lake and watched the birds and took some photos on what I keep thinking of as a PDA but is actually a tablet computer. It was lovely and carming and I took some accidental arty shots and looking at the birds it reminded me of the 100 birds in 100 days challenge I did last year and I suddenly thought - ooo I could do a flower one!
So that is what I have decided to do!
Starting today!
I'll be posting them over on Orange Monster.

I took the girls to the climbing wall today - Mary to her weekly group and Jeany to the climb she does in holidays.

Jeany helped Mary find her teddy bears and then they both hide - Mary was smiling but then scowled just as I took the photo - I thought the result was halarious!

She did her normal hiding in the tunnel and playing a squeaky form of peek-a-boo except this time her sister could climb in there and chase her!

They both played hard and then we had lunch and Jeany went off to her more advanced class, we also did art and crafts which was colouring paper plates - I seem to have enough for a small party!

I knitted a teddy bears head over lunch and may have sourced somewhere else to perform a show I am working on at the moment 🙂

Both girls like climbing so much 🙂 They are in this instance Alaric and mines Mini-Mes 🙂
Also Mary was going without a nappy - she was doing well until right at the end when she weed on my dad! But she still managed her longest time out with out a nappy on today!
I am very excited about the potential of Cheltenham having a comic book convention in 2015, so really really hope this kick starter works out!
They need 5500 by the beginning week of March and are over the 1500 mark. You can by your tickets to attend on the kickstarter or like me buy a stall. Kickstarter only takes your money if the target amount is made so if they don't the extra money I'm not going to have a stall to sell my things at.
Of course I would have loved a pair of the shoes they are offering as a reward but alas and alack, I am not rich!
There are some funky peeps from the comic book world down as guests (as you would expect!) and there will be professional stalls etc...
Apart from the fact that this is a social or community venture, I am excited about this because it gives me a deadline. I have stuff that can go on the stall anyway - namely The Little Books but I would like to run a save the Wiggly Pets campaign and/or get the first part of the Punk comic / graphic novel out there.
So yeah that's the plans 🙂 London peeps etc... you would be welcome to stay at our house if you came up for this - as part of the kick starter you can buy tickets - did I mention that already? 😉
Also cosplay stuff!
Yep it is that time of year again when the poets get writing! I am once more in charge of the WoPo site this year for the WoPo poetry a day writing challenge.
The sign up is now open so come and join us (me and Alaric will be doing the challenge, as will Jeany).
Also I have had a request to round up some of the writing ideas and hints on WoPo and The Monster Blogs so I will attempt to get some sort of ebook out there for you guys, can't promise it will arrive before the end of the month as I have an exam and course work but we will see!
Anyway I have some exciting guest bloggers set up for the month a head and some lovely images for the writing exercises and then there are the give aways 🙂