Category: Events and Outings

Halloween!!! (by )

On my Facebook Page I am having a bit of a halloween extravaganza 🙂

Through out today the spooky will play and I shall share stories rare of goblins and witch and monsters and kitch so sit back and relax have a bloody snack! On the hour every hour they will be here, stories to scare and bring you to tears! Images of the grizzly ghoul now get reading you fool!

enjoy (and don't forget the free colouring sheets!)

Spoogy Colouring In :) (by )

So a few years ago now I wrote a series of halloween poems for Jean who wanted something spooky but not scary and could only say spoogy as she was four or something. I then did a few more poems and typed it all up and did some illustrations the originals having been lost in a water drink spillage. And I got the Little Book of Spoogy Poetry which I put out as a down load, then I saved monies and got it printed and have been selling them and giving them as presents ever since.

Last year me and the yeti set out to do readings and halloween craft activities and the like so I sorted a couple of illustrations into colouring sheets which I am now posting on the internets for everyone to spread a bit of spoogy fun 🙂

Kissing the She Bear (by )

Tonight the 22nd of October 2015 is the launch of Kissing The She Bear by the amazing poet Anna Saunders - Anna's poems are dark and deep and whimsical and pull you into the other whilst wrapping the very real world and experiences around you. This time she has teamed up with the excellent Will Humphreys as the books photographer - Will's images are always emotion stirring and thought driving, he is one of my favourite composers within this art form. I am very excited about the combination of these two artists and will also be getting the chance to perform some of my own mythos based poetry at the event in Cheltenham - it is free entry at Copa.

Ada Lovelace Day 2015 (by )

Hot melt glue ada pendant

Ada Lovelace was a victorian lady who loved maths, she was also the astranged daughter of Lord Byron the poet, she has a computer programming language named after her and a day... the day is to celebrate women in science and technology. A chance to tell their stories.

Me and Alaric have written quiet a few stories of women who have inspired us or we feel are essential to where our current modern tech and meds are.

We have covered innovation, science, engineering, computing, medicine and technology. We love reading the stories that pour onto twitter each year.

But... that is not what I want to talk about today - not the successes but the struggles. As one of the most dangerous thing is not being allowed to fail.

If you are the role model, or figure head, or just in an environment where some aspect of you like gender or race or disability is highlighted continually and you are fighting to maintain your position... there is no room to fail, no space to just step back and go "you know I could use a little help here" because as soon as you do that it becomes because of that difference that marker, that things that makes you not one of the boys. And all those who have helped you and believed in you will be let down.

But if you can't fail, can't ask for help without undermining your own position then you can not progress as smoothly or easily and when the stakes are high it adds to the stress.

Because failure becomes not a little set back but a full blown retreat - a being chucked out the door.

When you can be a lousy scientist and it's just because you are lousy (or need more training) and not because of your gender, orientation, disability... - then equality isn't reached - until then it is just another stress to add to catastrophic collapses and retreats from the world of science and tech feeding the "leaky pipeline" we hear so much about i.e. why there are less and less women as you go higher and higher in science and tech even though the numbers are up and have been up for a decade or more at the lower ends like A'levels and undergrad degrees.

This is one of the reasons I actually hate quotas (I am not saying they are not needed) - I've seen good arguments for them but my personal experience of them has been being told I am not actually good enough - "you're only here because you tick three different boxes, you fill three quotas" this is crushing and if you are not careful it makes you feel that perhaps you really do not belong. You try and hide what subjects you are struggling with rather than just getting help with them and if you didn't "tick the boxes" then it would be fine to ask for that help - ask for it whilst being one of these groups and get told "this isn't the place for someone like you" and you end up having to threaten legal stuff and that just makes it all extra stressful. And how do you know you if you were good enough to get in?

Cheer yourself up with some of my puppet comedy involving Ada (not for kids this one!).

Also I made pendants, and key fobs and badges using the pictures of Ada I had drawn and hot melt glue straight from the gun! They are not the best - they were the first attempt at this technique but the girls loved them 🙂

Ada Lovelace picture cut out Ada lovelace picture flipped over and ready for hot melt glue Ada Lovelace drawing embedded half in hot melt glue resin Ada Lovelace beads and plaques made with hot melt glue

I was going to do cake but am saving that for the actual Bicentinnial in December.

Ada Lovelace pendent made with hot melt glue and fine liner

There is also a colouring in sheet people are welcome too, which I produced last year.

And yes I am grumpy - I never felt as if I'd left science, I felt like it was taken away from me and worse that I had let down those who had invested in me. I actually dread trying to talk to those people again but life is crock full sometimes. Maybe one day....

Weston Super Mare and The Yellow Sky (by )

Alaric! Don't like the sand sculptures!

We went to Dismaland thanks to my friend Becca who nabbed us the tickets - it was interesting and not as disturbing as I was expecting though Alaric reminded me not to look in the Cruel Bus - there are photos but you wont see them yet - possibly not before the end of September as I kind of think if you can you should go and if not then you can wait to see my pics 🙂 Also I've written a poem - part of my Found Poems of the Concrete which will accompany the images.

What you do get to see is the rest of our day at Weston which includes a strangely yellow sky!

Yellow Sky at Weston Super Mare

It was not sunset - the sun is up in the white bobbly clouds!

Yellow Sky and railings

Suggestions have so far been pollution and sand storm - I think the sand storm is most likely it was quiet a windy day and this part of the country actually has proper sand on it's beaches and that is more land over there in the distance!

Yellow sky and island Weston Super Mare

We also found Yoda!

Yoda Graffiti

And a tea room with only cow milk and no gluten free stuff who basically ignored us and doted on the old people who were spending £40 a pop. I was not impressed and they are not going on list of recommends especially as they do not have a sign saying high teas need to be booked in advance and informed us it's all frozen and needs defrosting. I think this may make me now an officially old person.

On a brighter note we also found some epic sand sculptures which are part of an annual festival. 🙂

Space invader sand castle building

We got to watch this guy working on a space invaders section of what appeared to be a giant gamers birthday cake!

Under water archeologist in sand

This underwater seascape was my favourite!

The reef in sand

For a start it's underwater, then it is archeology and it was EPIC!

the reef of statues in sand The Diver in sand Boat on the beach in sand Sand fish

Then there were these 3D portraits from around the world which were stunning!

Portrait in sand 4

These were really beautiful.

Portrait in sand 3 Faces in sand Portrait in Sand 2 portrait in Sand

There was an oooooook written on the walls of Dismaland and a walk around the sculptures down the road revealed the culprit 😉

The ook sand castle

He was sitting by a big book of jungle creatures.

The jungle in sand

It appeared to be coming to life!

The Jungle Book in sand

I posted it in one of the Discworld groups I'm in and several people pointed out that the Liberian does not have cheek pouches - I pointed out it was actually just the remnants of Horace's hair 😉

orangotang in sand

I also took some amazing 3D pictures which I need to work out how to get printed as I still can't afford the 3D screen idea I had when I first got the camera!

With all the photo taken, everybody else wondered off but it was ok because they found a tea party for Alaric to join in with 😉

A birthday tea?

Though he did seem a bit confused!

Alaric being confused by sand castles at Weston Super Mare

Anyway - here is a butt load more pics 🙂

King Kong in Sand Campsite in Sand Sand tent World of sand sand castle building on a different level Sand frog prince Fairy Tale Wood in sand Minion in Sand Rainforest frog in sand Camelion in sand Sand castles on a new level sand sculpture Big Ben in Sand Heart Birthday Bear in sand Koala and humpty in sand The tea party with gorilla and friends in sand Lego and Sid and the dino egg in sand The Wild Things in Sand The thistle and the flower dancing in sand Alice and the catapillar in sand Octopus comes to the party in sand From our bedrooms we dream in sand The Catipillar in Sand

I think Alaric liked this Virtual Reality guy.

Alaric and the virtual reality of sand

He seemed to be trying to strike up a convo!

Alaric finds a geek of sand

Games, and fairy tales and fiction seemed to be the theme. And the angle on this chess board is amazing.

A sand castle for gamers

And last but certainly not least - the Sand Dragon! On a horde of sand gold!

Sand dragon on a bed of sand gold

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