Category: Recipies

Graze Box – Yummy Goodness :) (by )

Due to my immune system and general health it was recommended that I might benifit from this company called Graze - they deliver healthy snacks to your house! It arrives in the post and is just there and wow - vanillia seeds!!!!

There are different nutrition plans you can go on 🙂 I'm on the immune system boost and the energy - they are low GI snacks meaning they are brilliant for diabetics and stuff (from my understanding of things at least!). You can select what you do and don't want to receive 🙂

Anyway I am really really impressed with them and they've given me a code to give out so people can get like a free sample thingy it's:

And a Horde Descends (by )

30 cubs and 18 odd scouts descended on us for their end of term BBQ and backwoods cooking!

Jean thought this was great 🙂

2 rogues together

Edam sponsored the event and provided these great chiefs hats which I sort of made everyone including dad wear 🙂

chief Ferfer Chief Alaric and minion Pual

I had to include this picture of JEan and Al - Alaric was marching along trying to get everything ready and Jean took up his perposful stride 🙂

Jean and Daddy on a mission

The only issue with the event was that obviously there were alot of cars involved and so we were on the watch to make sure Barbara's lawn wasn't ripped up with manuvours.

Barbara’s 75th Birthday (by )

Barbara has turned 75! three quarters of a centry so we baked her cake and made some sandwitches and told her to invite some people to dinner.

7 cake with light candles 5 with light candles

The cake was chocolate cake with lots of topping as she had said she likes lots of topping! I also put chocolate chips and things on it 🙂 It was obviously a 75 - Barbara confessed she was scared I'd made a watering can or something tacky like that :/

Barbara admiring her cakes

The cake went down well even if Barbara had phoned Mary in a panic and got her to bring a cake round as I had planned to make the cake Sunday morning so it would be nice and fresh and as there was no obvious finished cake Sunday morning Barbara was panicking she'd have nothing to feed her guests.

(we were at a Wedding the night before in London!)

Barbara blowing out the candles Barbara and chocolate cake

Barbara's friend Hanna brought a balloon round for Jean which was an instant hit!

Jean playing with a pink balloon

And then it was presant time!

Barbara opening a presant from Hanna Dutera plant from Diane

The Dutera is a pretty plant but came with a warning that it has poisonous bits so to watch Jean.

It seemed to go very well.

Jeany Buscuits (by )

There are cute pictures of Jean decorating Easter Egg shaped ginger biscuits over on the Salaric Cooking Blog 🙂 I have only just gotten around to putting the post live - doh!

Jean and Pancakes (by )

Jean hates pancakes but loves the fillings it turns out - which include bean sprouts - her culinary experiments can be seen on Salaric Cooking.

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