Category: Gardening

The Frist Salad of the Year (by )

Mary moving pots about in the garden

It's been hard to get the veggies going this year but yesterday thanks to turning our dinning area into a make shift green house, we had our first home grown salad of the year.

Mary putting soil into pots

Mary has been helping me pot out seedlings most of which actually survived the lovings of a two year old!

Mary lining the plants up along the wall

Mary helping with the gardening

I have courette and pumpkin plants planted out in grow bags - I am in dispare over getting an allotment at the moment, there just simply is not enough space to grow what we want. For a start I didn't want to really be growing stuff in the 'grassy' area, for a start it is supposed to be a nice garden area and secondly we can not make it look nice whilst I am growing things on it.

The make shift green house

At the moment we radishes almost ready for first pickings and various salad leafs, there are peas and beans and root crops in various containers. The apple tree and blueberry bushes have all survived the winter though the new redcurrents and black current bushes did not survive a late frost much to my upset.

Squash plants

Jeany is being very good about watering the pots and has her own little butterfly corner developing, also I shouldn't moan as the salad was very tasty and Mary eat the bowl of it I was going to put in the fridge for today's lunch!

And also we have been enjoying the sunshine and having summer cocktails and everything 🙂 Still no BBQ this year yet though 🙁

Summer cocktails

Food Safety (by )

As the horse meat issue rears it's head once more, we are faced with a bigger problem than most people realise. As I said before when this first came out - food needs to be what it says it is as if it doesn't it can kill or make people sick through food allergies and the like.

The issue is not that it is horse meat but that it is an unknown in there and the horse meat has turned out to have drugs in it that are not safe for humans. This is an issue on two levels - first off it means they are not food animals, have not been raised for it and have been medicated with things that would not be given to livestock. Such meat should not enter the food chain - wasteful perhaps in some eyes. And secondly where on earth have they been getting the animals from did they just fall from earth from space??!

People are saying that this is a reason to buy from your local butcher which is great except a lot of people can't afford to do this - this is the point; it is the cheap foods that are being hit. Families that are struggling anyway are now being hit with the fact that the cheap food they can afford is not what it says it is and good be harmful to their families.

Also from an economic point of view it gets worse - people understandably will stop buying the products affected or a lot of people will. It has hurt the brand name which is good in same ways as it might well drive business back to the local farmers and butchers but... it could have a knock on effect resulting in all meat producers being hit.

Hopefully there will be an upsurgence in ethical farming practice and better food standards but how long has this been going on?

The people who investigate the food - Trading Standards have steadily had their funding cut so that they can't police everything the way they used to. And beef is not the only thing that is iffy.

I'm seeing lots of veggies going 'hahaha see you should all be veggi' - but how many of them really know what they are eating?

There have been instances of meat turning up in veggi processed food, as Alaric said - who's to say that your veggie mince doesn't have horse meat in it - has anyone checked?

But worse there is an entire swathe of counterfeit foods in this country ranging from cheese analogue (not cheese at all it just looks like cheese and though you may think this sounds good and vegan it is harmful).

And it is not just the cheaper foods that are affected, things like Extra Virgin Olive Oil are often fakes as well - not good if you are trying to control what fats and oils you are eating.

Ok so as I myself have said the only way to be sure of what you are eating is to make it yourself from scratch but more than that you have to grow the products on a patch of land that isn't itself contaminated by something. This is not realistic for most people - I wish it was, but modern life does not allow this.

My personal suggestion is give away free veg and put a tax on processed food. It is stupid that processed food cost less than fresh. Add in a policy to try and get as many people as possible growing rather than building on the allotments. Make more of them - people want them - there are huge waiting lists!

And yes I realise this would have an economic knock-on but then so does horse meat in the beef burgers.

Free cooking lessons at community centres and the such like would be good too so that people are not afraid of ruining the food they have just bought.

Also importing less food would be good for our economy, due to not having to convert our money to buy and transport costs and so on. It would be good for the environment too.

Snow Garden (by )

More snow fell after I took the pics and I regret not having gone out with the birthday money sooner and gotten my camera as it ment I was restricted to the half an hour of Al getting ready for work and his smart phone! However I did discover that the broken camera still records film ok so I did take some vids of the girls which I will attempt to process later on!

Ice Planet

I made Al stop to take a pic of him as he left for work but alsa the camera went with him!

Alaric in the Snow

But here is what I got! None of the kids paying sadly 🙁 Though it turned out Mary hated the snow where as Jean spent hours out in the garden making snow angels and just walking around in it, sticking it too the walls etc... I made soup out of frozen veg in the freezer, and then Mary went down for her nap so I ended up building a snow man with Jean and having a snow fight where we both got covered!

Pussy Cat sheltering from the Snow Windchimes in the Snow Blue plant pot in the snow Garden Snow Net Snow Snow Hammock Christmas Tree Bird house in snow Snowy bird House The Snow Mesh Rainbow Snow Iced plant post and bunting Plant pots in the snow Potting up area in the snow Snow Crystals Snow Star

Snow At The Snell-Pym’s (by )

There will be more photos later but I am restricted to Al's camera phone at the moment and he is now walking into work!

Helium in the snow

I think this pic sums it up nicely though! (It was taken through the double glazed door as was a video of her pouncing the snow which I will try and process and youtube late today 🙂

Obviously the girls have not gone to school and nursery and so I will get no work done today (boo and hiss no really I do mean that). Jean is excitedly hunting out her warmer clothing and disguessing snow dragons with me - apparently there needs to be a story about them for bedtime tonight :/

I think today maybe a diet breaking day as I have to take them out in the snow to play and I am not feeling too hot at the moment so hotchocs and marshmallow floaters are my self bribe for going out there. It's options hot choc for me and I may even skip the marshmallow but we will see.

The snow is getting heavier so I think it's here to stay for a while.

I am systamatically sad we are not at The Bakery for the snow and really exstatic we are not at The Bakery for the snow but more on that later!

Chores (by )

OVer exposed of Jean sweeping the font garden

Yes I know the picture is over exposed the camera is broken! But I think you can still make out Jean sweeping the front 'garden' bit of the house. Oh my how she wailed about this because to get the broom she had to take her wellies off rather than just stomp through the house in them and there were bricks where she wanted to brush and what do you mean I've got to put it all in the bin bag I thought I just had to make a pile. The neighbours probably thought we were being really mean but she was getting book money for it and had asked to do jobs that would help and then tried to choose the jobs!

Plus in the end she was happily trying to tame street cats and making a game of it and talking excitedly about how she moved a slug etc... In the end she enjoyed but the first bit was hell.

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