Category: Gardening

Today at the ‘farm’ (by )

Today I went out to try and harvet more dandilion flowers for the wine but alas I got about five individual flowers compared to the buckets full I was bringing in a few weeks ago - I am not worried as I know that there will be more flowers shortly its just that they plants all currently have 'clocks' but these will soon go and the yellow will be back.

So instead I harvested some dandilion leaves to dry for the tea and as a seasoning - I havent picked anywhere near enough but it is a start and I have to be careful not to pick more than I can process anyway - as the leaves all need washing etc....

I was going to pick some Cow Pasley or wild chervil but then discovered that I wasnt happy with identifying it - though I am definate that I can tell it from Hemlock and fools parsley it turns out that there are several other similar plants which are all mildly poisonous! So that project has been put on the side until I can ask an expert 🙁

Still I got out the peat pots and seed trays and planted sweetcorn, cualiflower, courgettes and lemon coriander.

Our cherry tomartoes are about ready to go in the ground though we are going to have to do some prep for that first! On the plus side we found out that the 'weeds' that appeared to have taken over the veggy patch are acyually potatoes and Fat Hen both of which are edible so we are calling them a crop instead!

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