Category: Astronomy

Patrick Moore RIP (by )

Yesterday I heard the sad news that Sir Patrick Moore had died. He would have been 90 next year but didn't quiet make it. I feel there is very little point in giving an over view of his life and triumphs but instead I feel very much that I need to say what he ment to me and others like me.

I remember as a child being excited if I got to stay up and watch Sky At Night, I remember being plucked out of bed to watch the most amazing meteor shower ever with my father - because he had been watching The Sky At Night. I was so small I had to be carried out and I remember it! Along with the moon eclipse and looking at creators on the moon with my uncles telescope.

But this is standard - this is what everybody has as memories of him. But we were fortunate enough to have met him, to have had a conversation and to have been inspired more. He was giving a talk somewhere in Croydon - I can't remember explicitly where but my friend Becca worked there part time and so we had discounted tickets and we got together a huge group of us, from Imperial College and Alaric's friends from various mailing lists.

This was pre-blog days so I've had to look it up in my diary 🙂 Below is the book I got him to 'sign'. There was no photo as as we didn't have the digital camera either.

Partick Moore stamped Signature in Mars The Next Frontier

The talk itself was interesting though we did struggle with understanding everything that was said - this was less than ten years ago so he was already an old man. He sat there like the typical eccentric English gentleman and pulled off stunts like inflating balloons and sending them whizzing around to demonstrate the physics of rockets 🙂

Alaric's party piece for many years was a demonstration of this!

During the break we went and purchased books and I was barged out the way by some ingnoramous who had to have his book and NOW! I was awaiting the first lot of back treatment and it put my shoulder in spasm. I couldn't stop shaking with the pain but I went back for the last half none the less and then I asked a question which got answered and was really chuffed. It was at the point were I was getting into the meteorites at the Natural History Museum and was attempting to find a PhD.

Me and Becca wondered down to queue to get our books signed, but when we got there it was obvious he was in a lot of pain, his fingers where in a dreadful state from the arthritis and too my horror I watched the guy who had barged me out of the way earlier on, grab his hand and shake it!

The poor man was now in even more pain and yet he then stopped to talk to me and Becca when there was alot of people to get through still. We told him how much he had inspired us and that we were both going into related fields. He gave us lots of encouragement and the fact I was ill suddenly seemed a very small barrier, he had had medical stuff all through his life too. He then tried to introduce us to same people he thought would be useful for us to know but they had had to leave already to get trains etc...

I have not gone on to have my career but I am writing scifi and that is something else he has inspired me in. Becca on the other hand is working her socks off getting informations about space and science and what not out there to the public!

We will miss him and as I delve further into the realms of science communication I realise that he was perhaps the first in the age of the T.V.

p.s. the signature in the book was done by Patrick Moore but using a stamp and ink pad as his arthritis made holding a pen impossible.

Father Day 2012 – Science Festival (by )

Alaric sharing his fathers day breakfast with the girls

Jean woke me up at 8 o'clock to make Daddy breakfast in bed for Fathers Day. I was already awake thanks to creative insomnia. We made him breakfast and presented it too him (not entirely sure he was initially chuffed to be awoken early on a Sunday!).

Breakfast in bed

The baby instantly stole his yogurt (it's an alpro one so she can actually eat it and she did!).

Jean presenting daddy with planet cup cakes Cake! Fathers Day Planet and Rocket Cup Cakes Fathers day cakes

We had also made some planet/space cupcakes for him which Jean gave him 🙂 I bet you can guess which two the baby decorated!

Jean and Mummy learning about Sunspots with the Cotswould Astronomical Society Staring at the Sun

The we were off to the Cheltenham Science Festival for the day. Above is me and Jean pestering the guy from the Cotswold Astronomical Society.

Jean with a microscope

Jean again spent an age looking through microscopes and prodding things. The main phrase I heard through out the day was, 'I see you have a budding scientist there!'

Alaric found electronics at the Cheltenham Science Festival

Alaric found electronics and was happy 🙂 He also found a picture of Alan Turin and thus told a very interested (and I mean it) Jean about the origins of computing.

Baby reading at the Cheltenham Science Festival Mary seriously considering what we should go and see at the Cheltenham Science Festival

Mary entertained herself for a huge chunk of time with reading the science festival programme 🙂

Pretty ceiling decorations The ceiling of the town hall Cheltenham Fantastic lighting at the Cheltenham Science Festival Techno lighting at the Cheltenham Science Festival Ceiling Star at the Cheltenham Science Festival

I found pretty lighting to take photos of!

Jean's heart rate being measured Jean's Keji Bounce

Jean found an entity called Keji. She got to generate her own little creature who's bounciness was based on her heart rate. Meaning she got to bounce on a trampoline 🙂

Coloured foam teaching chemistry Jean the mad scientist helping the Sustainably Chemistry people at the Cheltenham Science Festival

She then helped the Sustainable Chemists with their experiments 🙂 Though she did inform one Chemist that she didn't want to make a rubber ball because she wanted to explode more things!

Oh yes! She also wanted to start a fire with the telescope once I explained we mustn't look directly at the sun.

Princess Pirate and Captan Sunshine Hippy Al Jean and Daddy in the Aviator

We then went to The Aviator at Staverton airport for dinner which everyone loved 🙂

Jean and Mary seriously writing Jean and Mary in the Aviator for Fathers Day Sister Snug

Ballads of the Scientifica (by )

Todays science-art is an album of science and tech poetry, a possible life origins story and the song I Want To Know Everything. It is available as a free download for the remainder of the week 🙂


Science and Engineering Week 2012 (by )

It is National Science and Engineering Week here in the UK, this marks a festive sort of atmosphere in the science and tech communities where they try and reach out to the general public and show them just how much science, engineering and maths does for them, how exciting it is and what the future may hold.

Not being active in the science community as a researcher anymore I have hovered around things like this the last few years but with the inclusion of my artwork in the Science OnLine 2012 conference and being asked to do a second piece of textural science art for the visually impaired I feel I have something to offer back. Part of what I had wanted to do with science was to make it more reachable, exciting and loved by well everybody. This is why the first tentative steps I took into poetry after my degree tended towards science and technology.

So this week I am going to be posting some of my science-art on here and hopefully will complete the week with my science-art web site being back up and running!

To start today off - here is Celestial Montage which I created for the ESA Create Your Space competition a while back (and good an ESA goody bag for my efforts as runner up). The poem part of the piece also appeared as part of the In Braille Exhibition at Centre Arts last year.

The theme this year is Our World in Motion which I shall use as stimuli for various creative projects. Enjoy and see if there are any events you can mussel in on in your own areas 🙂

Celestial Montage ESA_space_inspiration

Did Life fall into this cradle
This Earth, this home -
We now attempt to climb out of?
Or is it more than a cradle
Some crucible or potters wheel
Shaping and baking us in forms renewed?

Maybe in truth it is a bit of both
And as humanity takes its first toddler steps
We begin to see the variety that our world holds


Life here investigated
In case of alien brethren
Life searched for by the heart if not the mind
As the astronaut steps out into the void
For themselves, for us, for a future
A future - As yet unknown
A future for us all
As we grow too large for this world to contain
A cradle we have explored from end to end

But it is only with eyes freshly opened
To the wonders beyond
That we begin to see what we have missed
That which hides in plan sight
The beauty of our world
We seek its twins, our mirrors -
Its twisted folly of form


And if we are on our own?
Then look at the wonders the search has wrought
And if we are not?
Then maybe we will truly see ourselves
For the first time

Until then the void is calling
And all these things?

These investigations
These satellites
And images -
Are our jumping off point
Our call to the unknown

Do you wonder what it will answer?

The Moon, Venus and Jupiter (by )

There is a fantastic vista tonight - the moon is out with two bright 'stars' - these are the planets Venus and Jupiter and earlier tonight the International Space Station passed by also bright and lovely. So I thought I'd try and photograph the planets and moon as I found the fireworks mode on the happy snappy camera I have.

Moon Venus Jupiter

I am sad though - because on the camera screen it looks like it's captured the planets but once uploaded to the laptop they are not there 🙁

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