Grrr, it's a little thing, but it somehow really bugs me that there's a graphical flaw in one of the icons in Mac OS X's Software Update utility:

(I added the red arrow)
You can tell how it happened, too - somebody was using Photoshop or whatnot to fade the ends of the arrows, and didn't finish the job properly.
I created a limited company in... 2000 or so, for various reasons. At the time, I was advised that a director and shareholder would probably be expected to fill in self-assessment tax returns, but that I needn't worry, HMRC would send me one when they wanted me to do it.
Anyway, apart from a latter in 2004 or so saying that they might be sending me one, I've never been sent one yet.
But last week I got a letter saying I'd not sent in my 2005/2006 one (due in by the end of Jan 2007), all demanding it and threatening fines, so I went to the local tax enquiry office to enquire. The nice lady there said I'd need to ring the order line to get the tax return form to send in, and pointed me at a phone in the corner.
So I rang up, and the person at the far end said they couldn't send out return forms for previous years, so I'd have to ask at my local tax office for one. I explained I was already there and that they'd asked me to ring her. "Well, I can't. Talk to them," she said.
So I went back to the lady I'd been talking to and explained.
"Oh, OK, I'll get you one," she says, and produces a tax return form and gives it to me.
If she could have done that in the first place, why send me to the phone?!?
When I filled in the application forms to be a cub scout leader, I was faced with a problem. There was a little box, long enough for one or two words, called something like "Religion".
The notes explained that having some kind of idea of spirituality was a prerequisite for involvement, which I agreed with; I think that many people these days, rejecting the interesting creation Christianity has evolved into over the past couple of thousand years, have gone rather too far to the opposite extreme, adopting materialism and nihilism.
But I'm afraid I don't have any simple "religion" that I can write a name for in that short a space. If I had to summarise my philosophy of life, I think I'd have to write "Fundamentalist Taoism with influences from Chaos Magick and Fight Club". Which (a) wouldn't fit in that space and (b) might lead people to ask if I'm trying to be funny.
So I panicked and wrote "Methodist", because that's what my wife had put on hers...
But it got me thinking: "What is the most concise description of my philosophy of the world I can write, that won't still require further explanation?". So here's a stab at it.
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Efficiency is a major goal for programmers. It used to be a much bigger goal; once upon a time, it was a struggle to fit useful applications into machines with 1MHz clocks, which took several clock cycles to perform basic operations on 16-bit values. You had to optimise even quite basic algorithms to get them to complete in acceptable timeframes.
In the 1980s and 1990s, the available computing power and memory for running an application exploded, but the sizes of data sets people wanted to work with grew in step. Now people wanted to word process documents with large images. Or keep databases of EVERYTHING. So efficiency was still a big concern for application programmers. But the focus began to shift.
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It's not just on technical matters that I find myself liking Paul Graham, he's also pretty much followed the kind of career path I want: start own company, become wealthy enough to no longer need to work, then mess around designing programming languages. Ok, I'm a bit more daring: I want to design a programming language, a virtual machine, operating system kernel, network protocol suite, database, and set of standard libraries.
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