Country File Live photos 2017 (by sarah)
Country File Live was an amazing event with just so much going on - because I was working there I barely got a chance to snap things as I passed - the girls and Al also had a fab time but still felt that they had barely scratched the surface - Jean took photos on her iPad which we'll pop up in a different post. These are the snaps I took on the first day.
This beautiful snake was part of a demonstration including handling by the Oxfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Group (I think!).
I caught this blue dragonfly whilst taking a nap on some bails in front of the bee hive (head injury recovery means I have to take random naps but it is very surreal to conk out in public but I think it's working well).
There was a lake with a wibbly wobbly bouncy but secure temporary bridge across it. It contained various birds and plants coming and going.
There were some great flower displays in the Wild Life Zone.
I love this duck - it is exactly the sort of thing I would buy Al if I had more money
This bike display cheered me up even though it had just been bucketing it down!
Tractors! I live like machines like tractors.
I love old machines like tractors.
Probably a good job I didn't have more time or there would have been hundred of flower and machine pics!
I'm working on a series of machine colouring sheets for an event in the autumn as well to be fair - but I would have still taken all the photos regardless.
I like the gubbings of machines.
I think they are pretty
These were all from a huge monster of a machine
Many people were taking photographs - elderly men mostly and a press officer.
Everyone feels they need to ask me why I am taking photos of tractors or make jokes about it - this happens at car shows too.
We got Batty with the Oxfordshire Mammal Groups.
And met the cuddly foxes and badgers.
And a squeaky little mouse
And skulls of said animals - well actually in the photo there is a mouse skull, fox and badger.
Insects also featured heavily including butterfly nets creches, many types of bees and this giant papier mache stag beetle!
Milk churn flower display - this is similar to what I wanted when we lived at The Bakery though I was going to bare paint them so they didn't rust away.
Sheep sculptures - love these though more from a making point of view if I am honest - I remember going to a Garden Show and seeing large metal dragons like this which I adored! If we ever get to do the Salaric Emporium idea and have a tea garden then this sort of thing will be in it (along with dinos and fairies!).
These beautiful yellow water lilies where on the lake.
Loved the giant Go Wild sing
Water plants on the lake - oh I probably should have mentioned that this was at Blenheim Palace.
The geese kept landing and taking off from the lake and were pretty impressive!
There was plenty of garden ideas - especially those to help you have a greener more wildlife friendly garden - I like this shed but I'm pretty sure ours is falling down and couldn't take the extra strain!
Food is a huge part of the event too - I caught sight of this fab cheese stall!
And Kendal Mint Cake Laqueur!
And to end - more animal sculptures