Cool things I have worked on: Clustered analytic database (by alaric)
In my last blog post, I talked about how I was involved in building a database optimised for low latency on single-record reads.
So it was a bit of a change to later work on a database optimised for high throughput on bulk querying! Rather than getting single records, it was all about finding all the records that match some criterion and doing something with them as fast as possible, where "fast" is measured in "records per second". When I started there, the minimum time to perform a trivial query (eg, SELECT 1
) was about three seconds, let alone any that fetched any data. However, on the right hardware, it could process untold numbers of gigabytes of data per second once it had gotten going. That three-second minimal round trip time was negligible when dealing with queries that processed hundreds of terabytes of data in ten minutes. That said, one of my first projects was to fix some low-hanging fruit, which brought the minimal round trip time down to around 300 milliseconds.
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