Shakespearian Mock Tales (by sarah)
Last night we had the second ever Mock Tales - 2 hours of stories and writing creativeness with sticky non-alcoholic cocktails. They were Shakespeare themed as it was his 400th birthday at the weekend
I did 20+ pages of my comic book script/story board and now know how this story arc ends, Alaric managed 5000 words of our joint novel/series.
There were 3 of us so I was limited as to how many drinks I could make!
Above are Twelfth Night which was minty, Midsummer Nights Dream which was vanillary, The Scottish Drink which was fruity, and The Tempest which was Sugary.
We also had home made Pizza which was dairy and gluten free - Mary had opinions...
I remembered that when I was in secondary school I became obsessed with The Tempest as a story and drew the whole thing as a comic - I wonder if it survives somewhere? I loved the stop motion animations they did of the shakespeare stories I need to try and find them for the girls.
Jean tried a Tempest before she went off to best - she was a little horrified at it's stickiness - she still drank/ate it.
Recipes are being written down for Salaric Cooking before people start prodding again