I took the girls to the climbing wall today - Mary to her weekly group and Jeany to the climb she does in holidays.

Jeany helped Mary find her teddy bears and then they both hide - Mary was smiling but then scowled just as I took the photo - I thought the result was halarious!

She did her normal hiding in the tunnel and playing a squeaky form of peek-a-boo except this time her sister could climb in there and chase her!

They both played hard and then we had lunch and Jeany went off to her more advanced class, we also did art and crafts which was colouring paper plates - I seem to have enough for a small party!

I knitted a teddy bears head over lunch and may have sourced somewhere else to perform a show I am working on at the moment 🙂

Both girls like climbing so much 🙂 They are in this instance Alaric and mines Mini-Mes 🙂
Also Mary was going without a nappy - she was doing well until right at the end when she weed on my dad! But she still managed her longest time out with out a nappy on today!

Jean has finally reached an age where the cats not only don't run away from her, or only guard her/nuzzle her when she is half asleep, but actually seek her out. This includes Helium who has been skittish ever since we moved and tends not to even go on mine or Al's laps!
She keeps being 'held prisoner' by them, ie they sit on her and she finds them so cute that she will give herself cramp trying not to disturb them!
She also loves reading and believes that the cats are reading with her - they always stick their faces in the pages! The worst for this is the kitten who wont let her read!
I think everyone is happy with this arrangement!
With the weather warnings for the weekend we decided not to go to the allotment but to pot up seeds at home and place them in the propogator I have in the dinning area. The girls it turns out are both scared of worms - a bit of an issue as I am using the soil from the wormery instead of compost. Still after a while Jean began acting brave to calm Mary down and they both seemed to get into it as long as I removed the larger, wigglier worms!

We potted up so many tomato seeds that if they all grow I will be looking for homes for some of the plants! There are a few funky varieties and yellow and red cherry varieties as well as normal tomatoes. Then aubigine, chilli, pumpkin and courgette. I was hoping to get the beans in but alas I a) ran out soil, b) rain out of childrens conceptration spans and c) rain out of room in the propogator. If spring is late and everything germinates I could have a slight problem but I will deal with that when I get there!

My current plan is to get some window sill propogators for the remaining seeds. I am running slightly behind schedule as I normally do the potting up outside and wasn't expected the weather to be so rough! I dare not have the little propigator outside for fear it would take off!
I also got round to soaking the shiitake mushroom block I have - it has fruited for industry once but should have another 3 fruitings in it! I got excited as it has instructions in welsh. So hopefully we will soon have our first crop! Jean also found some bean sprouts and alfalfa and instantly wizzed off to find some jars, so we have them soaking under the sink!
I'm going to re-arrange under the sink so that I can grow the mushrooms that need the dark and the bean sprouts in there.
I am very excited about the potential of Cheltenham having a comic book convention in 2015, so really really hope this kick starter works out!
They need 5500 by the beginning week of March and are over the 1500 mark. You can by your tickets to attend on the kickstarter or like me buy a stall. Kickstarter only takes your money if the target amount is made so if they don't the extra money I'm not going to have a stall to sell my things at.
Of course I would have loved a pair of the shoes they are offering as a reward but alas and alack, I am not rich!
There are some funky peeps from the comic book world down as guests (as you would expect!) and there will be professional stalls etc...
Apart from the fact that this is a social or community venture, I am excited about this because it gives me a deadline. I have stuff that can go on the stall anyway - namely The Little Books but I would like to run a save the Wiggly Pets campaign and/or get the first part of the Punk comic / graphic novel out there.
So yeah that's the plans 🙂 London peeps etc... you would be welcome to stay at our house if you came up for this - as part of the kick starter you can buy tickets - did I mention that already? 😉
Also cosplay stuff!
This weekend we have put more bark chippings down in the chicken run as it had again become water logged, there has just been so much rain! Then we set about emptying the compost bin to take to the allotment - or rather I did whilst Alaric cut stakes for the pitch markers, out of scrap wood. I filled up both our wormeries and had a good chunk left over, which had to go into our green bin (we are not currently putting the green bin out though and are using it as an extra composter.
However this was all I managed for the whole 2 days of the weekend. I was so tired from being ill 🙁 Al had to go to the allotment with just Jeany. He said it was even more flooded so he put the compost bin in place - weighted down and marked the boundary and that was it!
Also part of me wondered if it was really worth the work as the compost bin had cost me £20 (it was on sale) but I only want wormeries in the garden as the compost bins simply take too long for the rate of chicken bedding production!
On the plus side, the chickens are producing epic numbers of eggs and we now have two regulars, which we are selling eggs to, each week.