Al’s legs – an update (by )

Ok so though the nasty halo rash thing cleared up with the antibiotics the bits on Alaric's legs are still red and sore lumps that itch. Our drs surgery seems to have stopped giving out appointments at the moment and insists you phone up in the morning and talk to someone - I think they are supposed to be phone appointments except they aren't scheduled either and you have to sit there for a couple of hours awaiting their phone back unable to do much incase you miss the call :/ Then they tell you to come to the surgery and prescribe stuff - or at least that has so far been our experience.

Anyway so Al ended up seeing the Dr with them again apparently they are not currently infected but could become so if they remain the way they are as you can't help but scratch etc.. They are the way they are as Al is still having an allergic reaction to them :/

So he has tablets and cream and we wait ten days to see if they go down basically.


  • By Kev Sparrow, Wed 14th Aug 2013 @ 7:51 pm

    Sea salt baths, gets rid of infection. May help. Piriton too (antihistamines), stop the itching and reaction. I had it bad from a mossie bite, swollen eye that I could not see out of for four days, Dr. prescribed me some steroid tablets that reduced the swelling over 24 hrs. Gone now, but I know what he is going through.

  • By sarah, Thu 15th Aug 2013 @ 12:03 pm

    Ouch - I ment to ask how that was going:( Doesn't sound to pleasant

  • By sarah, Fri 23rd Aug 2013 @ 6:44 pm

    He still has slight raised red lumps which he has cream for and tablets to try and stop the allergic reaction.

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