May Day outing in the Docks (by )

Becca with lithium the kitten

After the BBQ and excesses of the night before the day started slowly with some kitten snuggles and a Dr Who fest.

Dr Who PJ Fest

Eventually we headed into Gloucester for a late lunch - Pizza Express - we couldn't get a table outside boo hiss but the girls decorated hats.

Designing their chefs hats

Then Mary spent ages trying to decide weather dough balls were really food or not.

Are you serious that this is food?

She decided they were.

Mary eating a dough ball

There was a slight altercation about Jean sharing her food with Mary but Jean redeemed herself enough for desert.

Jean with her desert being fed up with all the photos mummy's taking

Hmmmm.... Oh yes and of course she made Olly sit next to her!

Jean and Olly eating pud

Then we went for an explore in the docks area.

Bacca and Mary looking at the dock

May loved the water so Aunty Becca had to hold her lots.

Mary and Becca exploring the sites of Gloucester

Jean was very surprised to find the word RANTS written on the wall - Olly attempted to explain it though he forgot to take phonetics into account - as you nearly always have to with under tens.

Why does it say rants?

I found birds to photograph for the 100 Birds in 100 Days challenge.

Sea Gulls and river boats

Becca and Olly explained paddle steamers to Jeany.

paddler boat

I found more birds to photograph.

Sea gulls on the roofs

There were some lovely sites to take in in the sunshine.

Gloucester Docks


Gloucester waterways

Jean with Aunty Becca's help found out that Olly's hair can be used as reigns on a horsey - I don't think he was impressed!

I can use Olly's hair like reigns!

I found more birds to photograph.


In our explorations we found a dry dock with a boat in it and so we spent ages explaining to Jean how it worked.

Walking the plank

I found a boat to photograph!


And more buildings and birds - Jean put her hands on her hips and said 'Mummy will you please stop taking photo!' She even rolled her eyes - which I think is unfair - I only took a few more!

Sea gulls Sea gulls on old warehouse Old warehouses Gloucester docks Interesting dock side building swimming Reflections I am all wings!

First Summer BBQ 2013 (by )

Olly and his

Saturday afternoon was filled with laughter and chat and BBQ as my college friends Becca and Olly came up for the last of the bank holiday weekend along with another friend Helen. We had a BBQ of course!

Becca cooking up a strom

The trampoline was a great hit right from the start!

Helen and MAry on the trampoline

Olly was finding it too hot so Jean (who was dress up as Princess Layer in camo on the forest moon) went and found an umbrella for him to hide beneith.

Dino Jean sheltering Olly from the Sun

Here is Alaric with his veggie burger.

Alaric and is veggie burger

And Alaric being sexy geek on the trampoline 🙂

The sexy geek

Alaric whooing the girls including Olly with his Krav Maga moves on the trampoline.

Alaric practicing Krav Maga on the trampoline

Or rather wowing should I say.

Mid air krav maga

I took video of him seeing how many strange positions he could bounce in - not sure it is safe for the net though!!

Practicing random bounce style

But mainly he kipped on it!

I know how to use the trampoline honest

Then Jean helped Helen with her sun block - erm....

Sun block splotch

As you can see there was rather alot!

Just a bit of sunscreen

Helen's response was 'Do I look sexy?!' 😀

Do I look sexy?

It was however worth it for the snooze in the hammock with beer.

Beer, hammock, sun

I went geek spotting and found these two lesser spotted geeks in the middle of some sort of courtship ritual - it appeared to involve computer programming languages.

Chin wag

Mary found dressing up as an alien and hiding in her house was the best thing ever.

I have my own house

She was very cheeky about it and kept shutting the door so you couldn't possibly tickle her!


She also put the head band on around her chest and announced they were boobies :/


The trampoline became a gaming platform with Mary running around the players in a never ending squeal of glee.

Gaming on the trampoline

Then I spotted Helium basking in the sun on the roof of the workshop.

roof cat

So did Alaric.

I'm just climbing onto the roof to erm... stroke this cat

He says the cat just loves it when he climbs up there to stroke her - I wonder who loves it more!

Alaric climbs to stroke his roof cat

I only managed to nock two drinks over and Olly escaped having to play with barbie dolls as Jean opted for lego and minecraft.

Facebook Meme – A Question of Age (by )

An interesting Facebook meme caught my attention - I was given an age an a list of questions which I had to answer for then and now. People who liked the update were given their own ages to do by me 🙂

When I was 21:

I lived: In shared rooms in Everlyne Gardens in South Kensignton with many other students discussing science and philosophy and art into the night.

I drove: myself on work, working harder and smarter for my degree - finally I felt I knew how to do this academic stuff.

I worked: at the student union stewarding events during term time with Tuesday afternoons given up to sieving out bats teeth from cave sediments at the Natural History Museum. During the holidays I was an Outdoor pursuit instructor and site mantance bod at Thriftwood Campsite -sometimes they left me in charge.

I feared: Failure, the dark and other people, but mainly that the Drs said I possible had two chronic conditions one degenerate and the other with a age cap of 30 on average.

I wanted: to change the world, be an astrobiologist or look at human origins.

I wanted to write stories that captured the imagination and be a TV science documentary person. I wanted to show the world the wonder of science, to sing and dance and perform on stage. I wanted things to work out with this guy I'd just met...

Now I'm 32:

I live: in Gloucester with that guy I met and our two kids and our cats and our rabbit... there is lots of purple and butterflies and books and rocks.

I drive: when the instructor calls but am finding it hard.

I work: mainly snuggling little ones but also blogging, writing fiction, performing poetry, running craft workshops, baking cakes, creating science-art and trying to save the world one bit of inspiration at a time.

I fear: loosing my family

I want: to be well, to have a body that works but failing that just to do as much as I can.

Poetry Riot (by )

Clayton Blizzard

Unfortunately we only caught an hour or so of the final night party Poetry Riot of the Cheltenham Poetry Festival - but what an hour with Trevor Meaney (yes not good photos but light levels were really low by this point as was my energy!):

trevor meaney performing at the cheltenham poetry festival trevor meaney

And the sadly hilarious Clayton Blizzard with his whispered poetry and folk/rap songs that you are either going to laugh or cry or both too.

Clayton Blizzard performing at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival

Folk rap music at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival Whispered poetry

It was great fun though we sadly missed Mark Neil performing though I almost crashed into him at the top of the stairs and said my normal hello and he responded with his (I can't remember who you are) smile like normal 🙂 - Alaric appears to have transmogrified into Luke Skywalker from Return of the Jedi.

Alaric as Luke Skywalker

No really look!

Luke Skywalker? No it's Alaric!

I took embarrassing photos of the interns 🙂 (who should start a comedy show up!)


And I took arty pics of people taking much better pictures than me!

photographing the photographer

Other photos of events can be found at Write Out Loud and Bilt Photography (which is where my current profile picture on FB comes from!).

You can probably tell that I really really enjoyed the festival 🙂

Felix Winkelmann interviewed in Atomic Spin (by )

Here's an interview with my favourite Scheme implementer!

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