New Camera! (by sarah)
I hunted around and got this camera as a late birthday present - my family gave me some money and so did Alaric (mainly I think out of desperation as I kept stealing his phone). It was in a sale so was £40 cheaper than it should have been and infact still is on the manufactures website - this allowed me to get a case for it as well and stick to my £100 budget. It's 14 mega pixels - there was a lovely 16 mega pixel camera but it was only reduced by £10 and I would have had no money for a case.
The above was medium light levels with no flash - it would have come out very dark with the previous camera and grainy.
I am ecstatic with it and am driving everyone potty with it - Jean is now ignoring it!
One of the first things I did was check the zoom and light levels.
The shape of the camera makes it easier to hold without shaking which was a big problem with previous cameras - I am having the problem of zooming in too far and I am still adjusting to focal lengths etc... so am getting a few blurry duff pics. Of course I have not yet read the manual and am 'winging' it which is not the best way but a very Sarah way!