Pain, Peceptions and What Not (by )

As those who follow me on facebook, twitter, text message or in the flesh will have detected I am in pain at the moment - I am having a flare up not just with my back and shoulder but also with my hands. Not surprising really as it is pregnancy hormone that kept these pains at bay for the last few years - instead giving me the pelvic issues. My hands are not working brilliantly but they have also been a lot worse in the past.

They are not completely useless lumps of rubber like they were at the end of my degree.

But they are weak, I can not open the baby's beaker so we need three of them so I don't have to refill whilst Al is at work. I can't open cans nor chop veg or lock/unlock the door. We have ways around most of this and those we don't we are working on.

But it is always depressing but I am being kept in ok spirits by Alaric and friends.

I am also awaiting the stuck coil to be removed and the pains associated with that which is stressing me out - I just don't like the idea of it being there at all now plus it is now spiking me. I'm trying not to be negative about things but I am being overly persermistic about stuff. Pain killers make me thick, pain makes me thick, I feel thick and dull and fat and boring to be quiet honest.

But again I have ways around this so it isn't really that bad - I just need to moan about it. Hopefully I can stop boring everyone with it all now!

Also I had injections in the top of my spin in 2003 to help with inflammation and pain and stuff - it feels like these have worn off? Is that possible? I was hoping to get longer out of them as I was told I could only ever have the injections three times in my life.

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