Merry Christmas On And All (by sarah)
Merry Christmas on this dreary Christmas Eve!
Here at the Snell-Pym Household we are recovering from mulled wine and minced pies with friends and are about to under take some lovely craft activities followed by christmas food prep!
Until then here is the outline of the Cathedral I have drawn for Percival's Christmas Wish. I have only so far managed two complete drawings both in outline but will attempt some more later on! I have a confession - I'm not very good at drawing buildings - I've never really done it to be honest and it took a lot longer than expected and I'm not entirely happy with it but it will none the less be going up on Wiggly Pets with the story a little later today!
By alaric, Fri 28th Dec 2012 @ 1:53 pm
I think we need to talk about perspective
By sarah, Fri 28th Dec 2012 @ 1:58 pm
We do I am regretting not following instinct and using a ruler to be honest :/ But I have been told time and again that artists don't use rulers - but all my fine detailed stuff like my mud logs which is the closest to this - I used a ruler :/
By sarah, Fri 28th Dec 2012 @ 2:10 pm
Also I miss my mapping pens