Roller Bladding with Style (by sarah)
Jean picked up some rollar blades for 50p on a charity stall and could not resist trying them out when we got home. This ment that whilst I was putting away shopping and what have you, there was a CRASH, clatter, clunk and thonk from the kitchen.
I go in to find Jean a pile on the kitchen floor, she was wearing the rollar blades, three festival tails and her new angry birds hat. She was already picking herself up to continue the experiment when I reminded her that they were an outside toy.
'Oh yeah' she said and disappeared out the back door, she has since been seen chasing cats, rabbits and babies 🙂
By Charlotte, Mon 18th Jun 2012 @ 2:08 pm
Tee hee, I know you get upset at people pointing out spelling etc. but I thought this was quite funny - look up bladding in the urban dictionary as it might actually be slightly apt! 🙂 (I am meant to be poking fun in a nice way!)