Grumpy, Dumpty Had a Fall (by )

So yeah - things have been great and everything is on the up but today I am more than a grump 🙁

Yesterday I decided to try out my new walking stick and took it out for a spin which I was very excited about - it being purple and not the crutch and therefore it felt more me and more like a step forward. I am sick of the crutch and I don't need it for say the outward bit of the walk but after a bit I do need it so a walking stick I could pack away seemed like a good idea.

But it turns out to be defective and the pin to hold it in place is not long enough so the top bit slides. And so whilst out I had a bit of a fall as it basically 'collapsed' as in the handle came right off. This jarred my left shoulder which is my weak akward shoulder. This hasn't acted up alot in the last few years due to all the pregnancy hormones running around in my system but as the bleeding has slowed so the pain has come back along with the weakness and the alarming clicking, colour change and all the rest of it.

This ment I was in quiet a bit of pain when I got back especially as walking with the stick wasn't as easy as with the crutch and my pelvis was acting up by the time I got home. I was also very tired from the weekend where admittedly I had rather over done it.

So I thought I would have a nice bath to ease the pains away.

Which was great especially as I had stolen my dad's new book Snuff - a Discworld novel I haven't actually read.

But then it came time to get out. Due to the pelvis I have to heave myself out with my arms sort of like the horse thing with handles on the top that we used to use in gym when I was at school. Until about March Alaric was still having to get me in and out of baths but I've been fine for ages. Anyway my shoulder was bad and my hand and arm just lost all strength meaning I fell back into the bath.

Now I am still 12 stone 🙁 so you can imagine the tidal wave that poured over the side, plus, I hit my head and slipped under the water which really scared me. It jarred my pelvis and I hit the top my right arm on the bath.

I then tried to get out of the bath but couldn't and then found that I had not taken my phone with me - and so I called and called and called and cried and shouted and screamed as I was stuck and coughing up bath water still. The main issue wasn't the pain it was realising I was completely helpless.

I woke the baby up but still no Alaric, he it turned out had gone to his workshop thinking I had my phone plus I'd been fine for weeks and had even had baths whilst he was in Bristol though they are normally timed so I'm getting out once he is home.

He rescued me and had to help me put my pjs on and get into bed. Where I was in too much pain to sleep even with my pain killers, my right arms had started swelling and so I tried to read and make the best of it.

Today I've not been as bad as I could have been - I can still walk and there is just a dull pain at the side of my tail bone on the right hand side, my ribs on the left hurt for some reason, the shoulder still aches and left arms a bit floppy and the right upper arm is still swollen and bruised which has been interesting with the baby today. I'm afraid I gave her carb rich food and warm milk and put her back in her cott at lunch time for a nap so that I could take my stronger pain killers which wipe me out. Al phoned just before Jean was due home and we were both still asleep.

I have completely failed to do anything constructive today including going to the Science Festival which is now a no go for me until about Friday which really sucks 🙁 I'm sort of cheering myself up by stalking the people I was going to see on Twitter and reading their webpages and watching talks they've done on youtube instead.


  • By Jo, Wed 13th Jun 2012 @ 8:18 pm

    Oh my goodness, glad its a little better today. Keep safe. Love the knitted atoms

  • By sarah, Mon 18th Jun 2012 @ 10:48 am

    thanks 🙂

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