Gloucester Creative Olympics and The Launch of The Wind Vessel (by sarah)
Yesterday I went to The Battle For The Winds Episode One in Stroud, I had won a bronze medal for my song Windy Gloucestershire. This was part of the creative Olympics and also saw the launch of the Wind Vessel which will be in Cheltenham for the Torch and then will be going on to Wynmouth with the rest of the South West efforts.
It was in the Brunel Goodshed - there was a parade as well but with the weather an us all having been so ill recently we decided to miss that bit. The place was jam packed!
What we could see of the vessel being launched though Alaric and Jean seemed to really enjoy
There is unfortunatly no video or photos of me on stage - Alaric managed to take two one second videos at the beginning and end of my bit being presented my medal - it would have been a good angle too
My medal was made by the graphics students at the college. It was presented by Old Mother Gloucestershire who's outfit was brilliant
But here are the photos we did take of the general stage stuff before and after my bit
The we saw the launch of the Wind Vessel - which I actually really like - plus it doubles as a musical instrument and I always like things like that
After the main bit people started to disperse a bit and there was more space to see the martial art dancers and various other little shows. I went to the tent with the Creative Olympic stuff in but though people were asking to listen to my song - it was unfortunatly the only one not there - even though the organisers said it had been - so someone has borrowed it I assume or it's down the back of tent or something!
The place was full of little cafes and a giant junk igloo called the Mould Cafe - this led through to a section where kids could put their heads through and seem themselves as part of a video.
Mary was desperate to join in so once the crowds had thinned a bit we let her loose to toddle - but the main thing she wanted to do was be held up to the gymnasts ring!
And because I am me - I took arty shots of things