Still Bleeding (by sarah)
Yep seven months on and I'm still bleeding - doubling the hormone tablets didn't work so they suggested the Mirina coil which I had fitted about two weeks ago - it was horrible and ouchy and then cramps had me wacked for the rest of that day.
And... well the bleedings gotten worse - I'm still taking the hormone tablets and it could take 6 months for the coil to work/settle down. I'm feeling exhorsted again and being thick so assuming I'm anemic again so have restarted the suppliments.
At this rate I'm going to have been bleeding for over a year before it settles down - which is not good - mainly though because I know I can go swimming with a tampon in but euw and yuck and I'm not going to be doing that. Now in my original plan for after birth fitness I should have been swimming from the point my c-section wound had heeled enough - and as swimming is the only excersise I can do without incredible amounts of pain this is a problem.
There are other health issues going on as well with my eyes and stuff which is making me feel a little angry with the world again but on the plus side - my pelvis is so much better which frees me up alot.