Opps On My Back Again :/ (by sarah)
I realise that I haven't actually blog that I'm pregnant yet but hey I'm pregnant and scatty!
But mainly this post is about how I ended up once again flat on my back surrounded by concerned by people wanting to call an ambulance - as to what happened I'm not entirely sure :/ We'd gone to the farm shop to have ice-creams and for Jean to play on the toys etc... I came out of the shop with an ice cream and bottle of water saw stars and the next thing i knew people where rolling me onto my back with mum shouting from a distance that I was pregnant and Jean telling everyone I was her mummy :/
My main thought was - oh no I've landed on the ice-cream Jean will get messy eating it now. Jean picked up the ice cream and after a bit of me explaining I was ok and would phone the midwife I was helped onto a chair the shop people bought out for me - along with more water!
Jean then handed me the ice-cream because me and the baby would need it now.
A phone call to Alaric got me the phone number I needed but I have to say thought processes where being a bit fuzzy - so mum ended up phoning and explaining I was seeing stars.
And so poor Jean was whipped off the toys and we where in the care heading to Stroud Maternity. We picked up Alaric and my notes on route (as we had to almost drive past the house anyway plus I wanted him there as I knew I wouldn't remember stuff).
Blood pressure is great and there was not protein in my wee - yay! This was a major concern after the whole hypertension and pre-eclampsia thing from before. I have however had a bad stomach which is why drinking the amount of water I was wasn't enough to keep my hydrated :/
Also they said they had had several girls in at this sort of stage in the pregnancy passing out and they where all fine too - it appears to be the weather!
Especially as we all had headaches but no temperatures or anything. Apparently the body goes down hard with anything and everything before 16 weeks as it's still forming the baby and that's all it's interested in - after that it's just growing so your body starts caring about you again.
But I'm on rest again for a few days and if there is no improvement in 24 hrs I have to go back etc...
I hate finding myself on the floor surrounded by people wanting to call abulances :/ But thanks guys (on the off chance any of you will ever read this) and thanks to the Primrose Vale staff and sorry we didn't tell you to come and get your chair back.