To a certain extent I feel that my business stuff with the website building etc... is not going to well - I came up with the plan pre-flood and was working on then and back then it was a needed service and would have probalby taken off but now isn't then and things have changed.
Basically I missed the boat but am still vaguelly paddling in a lifeboat, there is a chance still that things could take off and I hope they do. So far this year I've earn't a grand total of £350 and $300 for the company - this is just not enough and I am sad.
Also £100 of that is not yet paid and the $300 we are having issues getting it from google.
On the plus through sending out business stuff to do with making websites and the cross over of science and art etc... I have had people ask about computer case modes - this is making your own case for the computer.
Now I am not going to flit from one project to another so the webstuff is still on but I do alot of creative crafty stuff anyway so I thought I might have ago at making a nice case for one of our computers. Then I will have something I can show people on the off chance of getting some custom for it - randomly there is more interest being shown in this potential project than in what I'm actually trying to establish as a business.
I am feeling a bit low that my blogs are earning more money through adds than my ability to make nice websites is. So then I start to think maybe I should use my art for business more but then I reign myself in fearing stretching myself even further than I already am.
I also have a business questonaire I shall post soon - if people could possibly fill it in and send it back that would be great.
Also what do people think about having personalised computer cases and the such like? I'm currently looking at it as a fun project but Al seems to think there is some proper potential there.
As some of you may know I make Wiggly Pets which are friendly little creatures and who have been woefully neglected by me since the flood in 2007. There blog has lain forlorn and un-updated since the end of that fatefull summer.
This was mainly as I had helped them get a few weeks ahead in their stories and then the chaos broke and I just had no time, no internet and no house but we got back into the house halve way through last year and I still somehow failed to help them start blogging again though the stories where there! They have been blogging off-line waiting for me to get my act together.
So I am back dating their posts and will be putting them up at a rate of one or two stories a week (hopefully).
So at long last the second part to Mystery is there and waiting to be read!
For World Book day Jean's nursery did a fancy dress - come as your favourite character. Jean decided she wanted to be something from a pink book - this turned out to be Aladdin - this was good as it was relatively easy to do.
For a start I had the chinese outfit from christmas - then insued the arguements amoung the adults about were Aladin was from - I thought it was chinese, dad thought he was an arab and Al (as in Alaric not aladin) thought that it was Pursian. So we looked it up and discovered that it was an arabic story based in a chinese city so the flavour of the culture permeated the story.
It came form the 1001 arabian nights which was interesting too 🙂
Anyway Jean is grumpy in the mornings and refused to smile for the camera she seemed to be worried the flash would wake the genie up!
The whole Jean and genie thing was what sold Jean on the idea of being Aladin as long as she got a pink lamp!

As you can see she has a pink lamp, guilded with gold - I made it out of papier machie and Jean painted the pink onto it. The full story of the lamp will shortly (well probalby in a few weeks) be appearing on Salaric Craft.

Dad helped make the lid which was a bit tricky as it actually fits onto the lamp!

I then made a small genie for Jean to go in her lamp - yes I know its a fairy but it was for Jean and she thinks she should be a genie and well there's the thing about three wishes with both etc...

Again instructions on this will appear on Salaric. Jean asked for another genie and a second lamp!
Barbara was still in lots of pain this morning so we took her to the hospital - her arm is not broken just swollen lots which is a relief - last time she fell like this she broke her wrist and the time before she kept insisting it was all fine but it turned out she had dislocated her collar bone 🙁 and by the time she did go to the doctors with that it was too late to be able to fix it.
Dad was driving and managed to start going hypo outside the hospital so I got dad to go to the canteen with mum (in her wheel chair) whilst I did the shopping for Barbara's dinner party.
This is not a good picture of it but this was the hedge.

This is it now.

This is the hazel tree that they have decided only to chop bits off as its the aerial anchor but it was going to be chopped 🙁

Barbara saying goodbye to the hedge

This was the skyline - it is going to be dramatically altered.