The Crows of Penwood (by sarah)
Today me and Alaric spent the day sitting in a freezing cold hut surrounded by mad crows that shred wind screen wipers surrounded by wiered plastic torso's that you can peel the skin off of.
We were shown lots of gory pictures of festering wounds of various types and shown how to strap people up. Disembodied faces littered the surfaces and strange thumps and crashes echoed through the desolate hills that surrounded us. Screams of help filled our ears.
Then one by one we begain to disappear - off course this was to go and by lunch from the near by supermarket and we were in fact just at a first aid course but really there where mad crows and resusi-anni dolls can be really scary looking before their faces are attatched - not that they are exactly friendly with the faces.
Still we enjoyed the course - though Al went all weak from the pictures of blood and even though we have both done alot of first aid courses and training in the past we are still learning stuff like I didn't realise that 8 yrs old is the cut off for the child/adult boundary for treatments.
Hardness in the belly can be internal bleeding and erections can be symptomatic of spinial injuries in men.
In exchanging stories I found I have actually had to do a lot of actual first aid on real people which I had sort of forgotten about. We got some free bandages, a mouth sheild and a menigitis card out of it.
At the end we were trapped by a rain storm which added to the strangeness of the setting too - so I think I shall be writing one or two stories about the place 🙂