Jean is still developing at a rate of knotts so I thought it was time for one of these posts.
Jean loves dressing up though she tends to mix and match on a theme of say fairies, princesses and divas!

Last time Jean was in the office in Highgate - when there was all that snow which still hasn't melted from out little snow encrusted valley! - she found great joy in doing handstands in a box. She then made up sudry other games with it:

She then got Ferfer to play at being a puppy with her much to the amusement of everybody else in the room though he did threaten to draw a teddy bear on the end of my noise if I took any photographic evidence - opps!

My Brother David came up to stay with us and to try and get the Bambi running again (The camper van we borrowed on one of our 'adventures'). Jean thought this was great and kept dragging down his sleeping bag so that they could sit wrapped up in it! She also cried and insisted that she didn't want to go to pre-school as she needed to play with Uncle David!
She kept asking where Aunty Michelle was though and so we had to explain the concept of 'time off work'.

Him and Dad also discovered they could turn into aliens with the power of my spring bulbs :/
A Revue Monster is joining the ranks of the Monsters.
Green Monster reviews science fiction and fantasy with a smattering of horror and hopes you will all appreciate what his veiws.
Ok due to the iternet issue at home I'm not getting to put post live when they are written so there are back dated ones appearing which may have been missed.
What I have done is added a Snow catagory - I have only gone through recent posts but will do the rest shortly hopefully.
I am also thinking of adding in just a caragory for extreme weather to be honest - I think this will be a parent catagory mind!
Last night saw a blizzard, this was proper low visibility, swerlling winds the lot. So I got Al up early this morning to go and take photographs of the village.
We didn't get far not becuase it was impassable though I was up to my knees in some places - no what we had failed to factor in was meeting people who talk to you!
Still we found out some interesting things about last time it was like this 1963 (I think don't quote me on that!) and how the schools hadn't closed etc... The village school is still closed - yesturday it was becuase the snow might fall off the roofs and hit the kids - sigh.
But it turns out the village has several farmers with snow ploughs who have been doing their community duty and clearing the roads! Gloucestershire is out of salt so we haven't had salt bin refills. One of ours has also been 'relocated' which is always interesting.
Last night I was a little concerned about the 'pools' of melt water me and dad abserved - these were icing over at the time but today whilst out on our walk we noticed that once the sun was up it was thawing fast and there is a lot of water locked up in that snow.
I have cleared our drain out and things and tried not to panic when one of the old ladies from the village told us of the dams they built last time to stop it flooding down the valley as it melted. By the time we got back to the bakery the road leading down was already resembling a small stream.
Not that I'm paranoid about flooding these days :/
I will try and add some photos later.