Returning to College (by sarah)
I wasn't looking forward to tonight I hadn't managed to contact anyone at the college about the money situation due to the internet issue so I had to go and find someone.
I tried the admin office first but unfortunatly it has a tendency to close slightly early and lo it was closed so I headed for the corse coordinator and almost cried whislt telling her and was to my horror shaking - she said we can try the hardship fund but it obviously depends how they actually assess weather you need it.
Plus I feel stupid - this is a compound error - first off I miss judged how much JEans nursery was going to cost becuase I listerned to the government hype about what they were doing with 3+ children and education and didn't read the fine print.
Then I lost my gaurnteed work etc....
Then I wasn't expecting to have to pay for this years tuition fees as I had payed up front before but unfortunatly due to the way that has all be hashed up I am now being asked to pay a resit fee of HALF the origonal - this makes me angry as I was sick and didn't just drop out.
I now can't register until I pay this resit fee and until I do that I still have no libary access or access to the online facilities.
And then the guy I wanted to talk to about my minni project wasn't there when I had finished talking to the corse coordinator but was when I walked passed to go to my lecture but wasn't when we went for a break nor when we had finished the lecture so I haven't got that sorted yet either.
On the plus side there was only two of us on the computers and I learnt how to try and make word do useful stuff and discovered I know more about how to make a page look on a website than I do in word :/
So far I am the only person who has attended every lecture - but I'm very worried about how I'm going to pull this one off. I have alot of work to do this term:
7000 words 5000 words 3000 words plus actual lab and meeting time plus background reading
I also need to finish off the business course stuff for the Prince's Trust whilst trying to build the business which is now more urgent than it was supposed to be :/